When SHOULD you have "woken up" ?

by wobble 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • wobble

    I can look back to a number of occasions when if I had at the time not left my braincells at home on charge, I should have "woken up" and walked from the WTBS.

    One such was 15 or 20 yers ago we had a washtowel on Daniels prophecy with the really wacky explanations of the 1260 days and 2300 days etc. I had about 12 questions on this,like what on earth happened on the supposed finish date that marked the fulfillment of a great prophecy,I also had this thing that showed the 2520 years to be crap,I gave the list of questions to 7 or 8 Elders,and none of them gave me a decent answer!

    One kindly Elder,who has since faded,warned me to be carefull who I showed my questions to,and hinted that he felt it was all suspect too.

    What a Big Banana I was not to wake up then!

    How about you?



  • SixofNine

    when I was a little kid, and questioned how we knew that the bible was really from god. For instance, that Abraham/Isaac child sacrifice thing.... I should have followed my gut on that one; I knew something was waaay off.

  • asilentone

    I should have woken up before I was a teenager. Well, I was raised in the truth, so I did not have any choice in that.

  • willyloman

    Like most of us, there are too many wake-up moments to count, looking back. It's testimony to how difficult it is to get yourself out of this cult once you are immersed in it. Family and business ties, the intense peer pressure, the fear of loss of community, it all piles up to create an almost impenetrable barrier to leaving.

    Rather than lament how long it took to exit, I'm more focused on how happy I am that I finally got the courage to do so. And that's my best advice to anyone diggin' up bones over the lost opportunities of the past.

  • loosie

    I should have woken up when I was 5 years old. When the P.O. Told me that I was going to die at armageddon if I kept on talking to my DF'd Brother. I guess I wasn't the smartest 5 yr old on the block.

  • leavingwt
    When the P.O. Told me that I was going to die at armageddon if I kept on talking to my DF'd Brother.

    What a disgusting thing to tell a child. I'm so glad I left this cult I cannot express it in words. I'm sorry you had to hear that.

  • no more kool aid
    no more kool aid

    When I was a 17 year old girl being questioned by three old guys ( without a parent there) about the events of a certain weekend. They led with "what were you wearing"? Then came additional questioning about my undergarments, by the way this investigation wasn't even about me. I should have got up, walked out and never looked back.

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    In 1995 when the generation change happened (you know, not the last one, the one before that). I was young and sufficiently distracted by other things at the time. It did trouble me though. That and the fact that I always thought the Revelation book was complete baloney.

  • jaguarbass

    I woke up January 1, 1976.

    But it took me until 1983 to figure out how to escape.

    I wish I neve set foot in a kingdumb hall but my mother dragged me there.

    When I was young and didnt want to go I had to stay in my room. Room confinement.

    But in the 60's and early 70's I couldnt figure out how to wake up because 1975 was a major issue and doctrine among the JW's.

    Thank God for 1976.

    I dont know if I should thank God or not.

    If he would have delivered the goods I would be in paradise right now under my palm tree with my pet lion, wolf and Cobra.

    Maybe God through the Wactower Society a curve ball with they being his prophet and all.

    Mayb God is the Cosmic joker.

  • LDH

    When I graduated high school in the late 80s, and despite being asked multiple times by the high school guidance counselor to PLEASE go to college, I didn't.

    I still remember having a meeting with my parents, me and the GC. My parents were well armed with WT "proof" that the end of the system would be here in mere months!!!!! The GC just told them to send me to college as a back up plan, and they said that would show lack of faith. He tried everything. He hit a brick wall.

    I got tattled on by an elder's daughter while looking in the college computers in the Library at school, I was going to secretly apply to the University of Hawaii...subconcious desire to get away from that shit.

    After that, every move was watched to make sure I didn't take any steps to get to college. I should have waited till I turned 18, and walked into the local USMC recruiting station and offered myself up as a sacrificial lamb to the US Armed Forces.

    Instead, I did what JWs are trained to do. I doubted myself, and my gut instincts, and I stayed in that miserable JW environment for 5 years.

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