Hello Everyone,
I just sent Disassociated letter to my congregation after spending 26 years of my life as a Jehovah's Witness. I am a newbie to this chat forum and I am happy to be part of this forum. Let me tell you a little background about myself. I was raised as a Jehovah's Witness. My mom was a JW's. But she left too, but she never DAed herself. After 26 years of the Wt Society changing things. I got FED UP with the so-called "faithful and discreet slave." A Jw's "sister" out of the blue told me that if I was not a Jw's than she would not associate with me, and I never had anyone personally tell me this. I know THEY believe in "bad association." as in any Non-member of their Cult. That statement she made really affected me and opened my eyes to the lies that I have been told all of my life. To make a long story short, I have finally found my Lord and Savior and relay on him and only and now I feel free now :)
I look forward to meeting all of you on line,
May God Bless you, :)