I am thankful I found a loving wife finally a few years ago ! One that treats me with love and respect - and not like a freaking idiot like in former relationships ! I am thankful for peace of mind in our lives , moving on from a " mind control cult " the Jehovah's Witnesses . I am thankful for my 3 adult children ! Thankful for my son ! Even though my 2 daughters are in the witnesses I love them, and am glad they seem happily married . I am thankful and look forward to the opportunity in the future to be close to them once again someday. I am thankful my wife found this JWD board and have had the honor of meeting lots of nice folks here , and now some more on another board ! Thankful for life , love in our lives - and I'm thankful for the variety you all show here in your authentic , real personalities ! So - What are you all thankful for at this point in your life ?? Look forward to your thoughts ! Peace out to all, Mr. Flipper
What are You Thankful For in Your Life Now ?
by flipper 29 Replies latest jw friends
I'm thankful that I'm free of Jw thinking. *for having my health *a well paying job *roof over my head, food in my belly *for my family *for friends *for rockbobster *my car *for small things *big things *stars, sunshine, velvet nights *my bed! *music *www *for life & all that it encompases.
I am thankful to be married to a wonderful man for 29 years. I am thankful to have 2 wonderful sons. I am thankful for 2 wonderful dogs, one I am about to lose, and I am thankful for JWD and those who helped me get through a terrible time in my life.
I am thankful for the support of many here on JWD that helped me through the worst part of leaving the Borg.
I am thankful for the new friends I am making...slowly....trust is an interesting thing after leaving a cult.
I am thankful that I dont give a crap what the WTBTS does anymore. (I only keep up at all because of a JW mom still wrapped up in it).
I am thankful that I dont have to go to pointless meetings. I am thankful that I am no longer a judgmental elder.
I am thankful to be able to continue getting a college education.
I am thankful for my new cat (that I have had for almost a year...I think getting a cat saved my life).
I hope that as JWD winds down I can keep up with many of you on the scattered boards that have sprung up....
some of you have been more of a support than you will ever know.
Snakes ()
My husband and my family!!
Everything I've had and now have
I got an early retirement package this month- My wife and daughter and our good health.
My daughter tried to commit suicide in August so I am thankful that she has completly recovered, has a nice job, 2 wonderful little baby girls and a good husband that truly loves her. Also I am thankful for my son and his family, my sweet little grandson that loves me unconditionally. And they are all happy.
LOUBELLE- Good posts ! Great to be free of " JW thinking " ! I agree. Sounds like you have a nice life ! Good for you ! Family, roof over your head, food, music ! Cool ! Great.
RESTRANGLED- I'm glad you have a great marriage ! And wonderful sons. I'm so sorry about your dog. I consider you a good friend here on JWD !
SNAKES - I'm glad you are moving on from the witness organization. That's great ! Going to college, making new friends here on the boards and elsewhere, and great you have a new cat ! My wife and I have 3 cats and 3 dogs ! We will keep in touch soon ! Been too long since we've talked. Will call ya soon.
4 MY LOVE - Husband and family ! Great !
TWITCH - Everything ! Great !
MOSHE - I'm happy you got your retrirement and that your wife and daughter are well and your health is good ! Good news !
CRAPOLA- I am so glad your daughter is recovered from her suicide attempt . I'm sure you played a big part in helping save her ! And happy you have a son and grandson too ! Rock on dad- good job ! Keep it up ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper
Very thankful I didn't kill my boss today. I am thankful I have a good collection of wine.