So he didn't speak english in CANADA and they couldn't find a Polish interpreter so he goes balistic after waiting a long time???? Bad luck mate! Sometimes you cant pull a polish person out of your ass who's willing to talk to some agressive guy....go back to poland. The police did not plan to kill him. Missed his Mum?? You amke it sound like he was standing their smiling when he was hit! Bullshit! Try being a Cop for a week when you have to take down an agressive guy holding a blunt object.....I think your Taser may come out.
American police Torture 54 year old woman for not moving.....
by Gill 48 Replies latest jw friends
Witness 007
Lets get this straight Cops do a great job and deserve to come home un-injured.....Americans listen to the AUTHORITIES it's not rocket American Lady was asked seven times to exit the car, so......she starts telling her husband on the phone...."HE SAID HE'S GONNA TASER ME.....I'M TALKING TO MY HUSBAND.....HE'S GOT HIS TASER POINTED AT ME...........ARRRRRRRAHHHHH......guess what! That dumb ass bitch got out of the car and deserved every volt....stupid people!
When a Police tells you to...."GET ON THE GROUND" three, or four times and you want to argue with him it's usually a very very dumb move....
I use to have the same problem until I was helped by Chris Rock.
lol Roy,
I love Chris Rock!!
So he didn't speak english in CANADA and they couldn't find a Polish interpreter so he goes balistic after waiting a long time????
He was VISITING here----do you not get it? And NO ONE even attempted to get an interpreter for him.
Bad luck mate! Sometimes you cant pull a polish person out of your ass who's willing to talk to some agressive guy....go back to poland.
Witness007, I can't believe you just said that. I truly thought you were a better person than that. First of all, it would not have been that difficult to find someone who speaks Polish as they've been immigrating to Canada for decades. A quick search in Vancouver shows they have a Polish Community Centre in Vancouver as well as a Polish Veternan's Hall, plus the University of British Columbia would have a Languages Department with someone who almost certainly would know Polish, or be able to direct the airport officials to someone that could. Yes, English and French are the primary languages, but there are a ton of people who visit here each year who speak neither. Are you suggesting that we refuse entry into Canada for any visitors who can't speak English?
The police did not plan to kill him. Missed his Mum?? You make it sound like he was standing their smiling when he was hit! Bullshit!
WTF are you talking about??! I simply stated that he was from Poland and he flew to Canada to visit his mother----that's why he couldn't understand what was going on or why no one would help him. I know he started going crazy and smashing things----which was not too smart on his behalf, but neither was there any need for the cops to taser him.
Try being a Cop for a week when you have to take down an agressive guy holding a blunt object.....I think your Taser may come out.
No one is saying that cops don't have a tough job----they do. My next door neighbour is a cop and I hear all kinds of crap that they have to put up with. That's not in question. The point that is being made is that the cops in this case made a serious lapse of judgement and it cost this guy his life. I don't think anyone believes the cops intentionally tried to kill him-----IMO, the real culprit here is the makers of the taser. They should be able to create a taser gun that is effective, but not lethal.
I read your little artical, Gill. I wouldnt rush to judgement unless I'd seen the video and read the police report.
"Torture" ...based on the short blurb you linked us to... I wouldnt classify being tazed as tourture. It was not done repeatedly, nor were the police trying to extract information from this woman. This story comes now where near being prove that "inmates are running the asylum" and has nothing to do with your British police getting 10,000 units
The tasar is a tool that falls between hitting with a stick (the baton was the only street cop weapon in the UK for years) and a firearm in the force continum. It makes dangerous people compliant without beating them or shooting them
To use a tasar police get trained and department issue guidlines and orders concerning when they should be used. Like the baton ..sometimes the tool gets mis-used and folks may die.
Some police officers make bad judgements... suspects have been beaten to death on the street. It' makes the new because the other 99.9% of police work it to boring to speak of.
That being said 99.9% of street stops are polite and well executed events ... people are taken into custody and the officers stay safe. Every day.
Tazing a woman at a college ball game say she was non-violent. How do you know that ... were you there? From my experience she would have likely been a bit drunk... and maybe verbally abusive and physically non-co-operative when confronted. If she was in the wrong seat the ushers would have dealt with her first...what escalated that situation to the point that peach officers were needed? Was she sitting with people who had enough of her bad behavior? WE dont know do we? The police just dont roust folks out of seats at sporting events for the hell of it.
If she was on the ground did she get there? Probably a takedown ...maybe she fell? Most of us would just get still in either case... and comply with orders...The first one was probably something like this "Ma'am can we help you get to the right seat?" or "Ma'am lets go down these stairs so we can help you with this problem..." Police just dont start wailing on 54 year old women in public to torture them.
Gill... if you have a bad heart what ever on earth would you be doing to invoke the wrath of your police anyway? If you are that paranoid about your charming Bobbies maybe you need to rethink your countries position about unarming it's people.
first....there's always more than one side to these stories...
second..have you ever fought with an enraged woman? Women are much worse than a man to fight with. I speak from experience. Or tried to carry a person OUT OF A STADIUM??? Up or down many stairs??? I'm not breaking my back for that.
third..tasers are NOT torture...puh-leeze. I've been shot with one WITH PRONGS. It lasts 5 seconds and it's over. They are a very good alternative device to being smacked with a baton.
And as others wisely put it...when a police officer gives you a direction..DO the middle of a situation is NOT the time to argue about it. That's what Internal Affairs and civil suits are for later.
Like in any profession there are good and bad cops. It's amazing how people are always willing to believe the worst about the police. But when they need the police, they scream(baaaaaa) very loudly.....
lol Roy,
I love Chris Rock!!
and he tells it like it is. Even when I was a JW going door-to-door and the police would stop us, if you were polite there was almost never a problem. But sometimes there was that JW who thought he was an ACLU lawyer and would start arguing with the police about something. That's when the trouble would start.
Call to arm all front-line police officers with Tasers
By Deborah McAleese
Tuesday, 25 November 2008Demands were today made for all front-line PSNI officers to be armed with Taser stun guns to tackle violent crime.
Policing Board member Jimmy Spratt said the use of the guns is “progressive policing” and warned that Northern Ireland should not be left behind England and Wales — where tens of thousands of police officers are to be trained to use the high-voltage stun guns.
The weapons, which Amnesty International claims have been responsible for 320 deaths in the US, are currently only deployed by specialist firearms officers in the UK.
But Home Secretary Jacqui Smith, has said she wants front-line response officers in all 43 police forces in England and Wales to be trained to fire Tasers at violent suspects.
In Northern Ireland, 12 guns have been given to specialist police teams as part of a pilot scheme launched in January. Since then the weapon has been used once.
Last month the Policing Board formally endorsed the Chief Constable’s decision to deploy the weapon, and he will decide if Tasers should be used on a permanent basis after an equality assessment is completed.
Mr Spratt, a former chairman of the Police Federation in Northern Ireland, said that the plans for wider deployment in England and Wales should be adopted in the province.
“There is an obligation for a Chief Constable to provide the best possible protection under health and safety for the officers who are having to go out to various scenes.
“I would be very supportive of this. It is progressive policing and should be encouraged.
“Tasers are not something that will be used all that often. They are a less lethal option for officers who find themselves and members of the public in dangerous situations.
“They afford protection to officers and the public.”
The Northern Ireland branch of Amnesty International however, has called for guarantees that the Taser electro-shock weapon will not be deployed any wider than specialist firearms officers in the province.
Programme director, Patrick Corrigan, said: “Tasers should never go beyond the hands of a small number of fully-trained officers capable of making the potentially-fatal decision over whether to fire 50,000 volts into a person's body.
“We do not want to see a shift towards American-style policing where widespread deployment has led to misuse of Tasers and a series of Taser-linked deaths. We don’t want to see the PSNI repeating these mistakes.
“Of course, the police have a duty to protect themselves and the community at large from violent situations, but arming more officers with dangerous weapons without the rigorous training and necessary safeguards could well be a recipe for disaster.”
The issue of Tasers has proved highly controversial in Northern Ireland.
A legal challenge on the deployment of the guns in the province is due to take place in January. Sinn Fein had wanted the decision to deploy the weapons deferred until the judicial review was heard.
Tasers are not something that will be used that often. They are a less lethal option for officers who find themselves and members of the public in |dangerous |situations
The Home Secretary said she wanted to give police the tools they need in their drive to tackle violent crime.
“Every day the police put themselves in danger to protect us, the public. They deserve our support, so I want to give the police the tools they tell me they need to confront dangerous people.”
The move was welcomed by the Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO), which said trials showed in the majority of cases Tasers helped police resolve incidents without resorting to other weapons.
This happened in a city 11 miles away from me. I think the officer was fired. WARNING: Turn the volume down.