Thay will use you until you are all used up.
The burdensome load of a Jehovah's Witness - did you feel this way?
by jambon1 36 Replies latest jw friends
I think if a Poll was taken as to how many people like being JW's I bet you anything more than half of the JW's would like to leave the organizaiton because the Society expects far to much from individuals. GB members couldn't possibly imagine what it is like to have a family and a full time job and then preparing for meetings studing with the kids book study servicemeeting and Theocratic School and Public Talk and WTS. That is a huge amount of work of any one and especially for a married man with a family to support. Now we know why they age quicker. It's the pressure that is placed on them by the organizaiton and CO. and DO.
A person can only do so much and then they either break down or just go through the motions and become like robots and yesbots.
It is a pity and it is very difficult on marriages. My mom use to get so angry at my father when he said he had a late meeting or he had to go to a shepherding call or this or that and my mom would just sometimes blow a gasket. I didn't blame her he was out more then he was home. That is no marriage and it is not even being balanced.
The load of a JW is budensome. Yet Jesus said his yoke is light , So something is wrong in the organization that makes its people feel burdened down and extremely tired and many are fed up and are leaving in droves.
When will the WTBTS GB stop and smell the coffee they have no concept of what it is like for a person living in this world , as they get to live in their glass tower protected and fed and clothed and live in luxury with absoultley no worries what so ever they should be forced to live like the average person in a congregation with a family and try to provide for their family and a job and meetings and talks and preperation for all activities spiritual and non spiritual. Like family fun. They have no idea what that is like what so ever.
The chains of the WTS are like a heavy anchor pulling you down under the waters of the ocean floor never to resurface until it is too late for rescue.
White Dove
I always felt that if I was not pioneering as a single mom with two kids, I was not worth anything. The pioneers were the popular ones who were invited to everything, or so I thought. They were, though, weren't they?
The Oracle
It is a tragic waste of time!
Imagine the collective damage to healthy family life that has been caused over the years by the millions of hours of meeting attendance instead of enjoyng QUALITY family time, like going to the zoo, a walk in the park, etc etc.
The burdensome load keeps the JWs under control. Keeps everyone too busy to wake up and smell the roses.
The Oracle
Being a JW caused my life to be overwhelming to the point that I collapsed in exhaustion, physical and mental exhaustion. I have never been the same.
I used to hear the scripture, "Take my yoke, for it is kindly and light." I would think, "But this is not kindly and light. It's a heavy burden that I can hardly bear."
Jambon1 just read chapter 6 of Ray Franz's "In Search Of Christian Freedom" entitled "Salvation by Faith, Not Works". It goes right along with this thread in a big way.
Like most of you, I didn't realize how DEPRESSED I was until I left. I always had a wall up between me and the real world. I didn't overextend myself in field service, because I knew that was a crock. Although, one time I auxiliary pioneered and I felt TERRIBLE! I was doing meaningless crap to count time. I didn't get 50 hours that month, but I was okay with it and I swore to myself that I would not do that again. Sincerity always reigned supreme with me and as time went on my JW activities became less sincere.
My JW years were in a fog. Now colors are brighter, I smile more, food tastes better, and I truly enjoy my family!
Being a JW caused my life to be overwhelming to the point that I collapsed in exhaustion, physical and mental exhaustion. I have never been the same.
Same here. I was caring for a semi-invalid mother and trying to make the meetings and field service.
I suffered a total breakdown.
And then they will go and blame all of these negative feelings on being caused by Satan.
tiring, depressing & miserable. Surrounded by negativity I felt utterly supressed & unhappy
The best description so far.
They feed on low-self esteem. They play the blame game to keep you in. It's always your fault.
I, too, didn't know how depressed I was until I left. Now, no more AD's, I rarely drink (when I was a witness I needed to get wasted every weekend - pathetic!), and am 110% happier.