If she is a confirmed witch and the priest has given her his blessing then I think you should welcome her as you would any follower of christ - I think its what Jesus would have done
Should "Kool aid man06" apologize to every Christian who listened?
by iloowy 33 Replies latest watchtower scandals
iloowy, I hate to sound harsh here but IMHO you should get out of your box a little. As a Christian myself I find your words rather sad. Like it was posted earlier, if the show was billed as Christian then you "might" have a case. Too many Christians are looking to get offended at so many things. We are in a dying world and need to be more tolerant of people that we're trying to reach. If we go around pissing everyone off because of our intolerance how are we going to reach anyone?
We don't have to agree with people's lifestyles but we can still be a compassionate person to even those that may appose us. I know I'm not breaking any new ground here, just a reinforcement. In times of trouble you just never know who may confide in you for help, IF you have shown patience and love.
Censorship is good but discipleship is better.
Blessings... -
I agree with your Christen veiwpont middleman,,The only thing I felt bad about is thinking that if my Jw daughter or grandchild was listening in. They would have done just as you said HANG UP!!!!
I so want them to know they have folks on those calls that will help them ,I dont care where the hang they go!!!! If they object to Christ. But at least let them hear their others who doubts the WT .I felt that all that she told on there was hard for ME to swallow, let alone a newbee- It was touching the pupil of "MOTHERS "eye> the WT....Would YOU have let some one do that when you were a JW???? I would have defended them to the death....
But Mouthy, you aren't still a Witness.
Should there be any apologies made to atheists about any christians who appeared on the show?
I second that. Let's say your watching Oprah. And she has a guest on there who is wiccan. just turn off the TV. I would do that same if Oprah had Jimmy Swagart on her show.
kool aid man06
Last Saturday's conference call with Daid Reed and Ravyn Guiliani caused quite the "buzz". People were calling in early and staying on late. The call lasted for 6 hours. David Reed has helped so many people to exit the Watchtower and we were so glad to have him on. Ravyn Guiliani, our second guest, raised the eyebrows of many of our listeners, as her subject was quite controversial. Ravyn stunned the audience as she claimed she was used in Satanic Rituals by the Watchtower organization. She said that as a young girl she was a conduit, or a channeller, using "automatic writing"with the help of the demons, to give information to the Watchtower Society to publish in their literature. This thread was suggesting Ravyn should not have been on the call because she is a Witch. In our interview and conversations before the interview, Ravyn never mentioned she was a witch.It is possible she may have been involved in this in the past, I tried to call her, and ask her about this, but she was not home. I will post it on this forum when I get an answer. I also want to say that the 6screens conference call is open to all that can help us come to grips with how dangerous and destructive the org. can be. If you would like to hear a recording of the Ravyn Guiliani call and have the courage and backbone hit this link http://sixscreensofthewatchtower.com/conferencecall.html The interview with Ravyn is about half way through so move the recorder forward to about half way into the call.
Okay... Thanks Rick for the rundown on what the conference was truly about. I should say that your unwillingness to accept you put someone on your show who still claims to be a dabbler in the occult art of stregoneria, or Italian witchcraft as she calls it. Perhaps you weren't fully aware of the extent of her involvement in the occult in recent times, she wasn't hiding it from her posts on the internet so you could have checked.
I'm kinda disappointed you'd be willing to put anyone on your show that can talk against the WT even if the info doesn't check out and the person claims to be involved in the occult.
Definitely not a Christian show, Rick. And definitely not for me. Some here claiming to be Christian said I should show more tolerance. I am tolerant of people expressing their views. I am not tolerant of people spreading stories that corrupt. Let whoever wants to worship whatever they please have their freedom to do so in this country. But let truth prevail.
I do apologize I didn't check in with you personally. I have no excuses for that. I should have. Instead I brought the issue up in public. For that I am sorry. I consider myself a Christian. A Christian should know better.
I've said enough and since no apology for having a witch tell stories in your show is coming then I'm done with the conversation for now.
Perhaps some Christians should take an example from Jesus and first, not be a wuss, second, not judge. Damn, what a whiner. If you don't agree with her views, fine, but don't speak for all Christians.
iloowy, May you be cursed with the worst case of the scours ever. Surely it will be less painful than your running of the mouth.
Thanks for the testosterone input into the conversation Avishai and IP_Sec.
You may judge what I said as whining. I don't give a toot what you call it, "dudes".
Kool aid man06 seems more interested in throwing crap at the WT than exposing
the truth and that didn't sit right with me. The gal insisted she was the model
for the Live Forever book's picture when it was actually without a doubt a copy
of Pascale Petit's photo in Stern magazine, and you can read about it at JWS
Many parts of the story didn't add up for me. The SRA crap, quite inflamatory and
would turn away any JW wanting to find the truth about the WT... That's the
real problem I have with it. I'm all for exposing the WT for what it is but I'm not
for throwing crap around, you'll end up with stinky fingers. Rick does what he
wants, but his show is part of his upperroomministries throwing crap at others
can splatter back at you. Does he really want that?I followed my conscience he obviously should follow his. You yours etc.
Peace out!