OK, after reading the comments, I went back and looked at the pics. I don't know this little girl, but her mom surely will have fun picking out pics that fit the different personalities of her child, I think there is enough there.
I like the pics that are not super photoshopped. I want a pic of my kid that looks like my kid, warts and all. reference to softening photo from vinny.
I suppose it is each persons individual likes, I am not huge on a wall full of posed kids with props and fake backdrops. I had years of photos like that of my kids, and much prefer the spontanious snapshots I have of them.
I did go back and look at the B/W of the last pic. Although, initially I liked it the best, I would not say it's the best photo. I did not know I could enlarge the pic either. The same color photo before the B/W is very good IMO, the color of the little girls eyes, lips and hair are beautiful.
I guess getting a photo of my child, I don't want something that is going to be considered a work of art, but to capture a time in their life, and what they looked like and who they were, for a keepsake and memories. The best photo without changing them completely, Am I repeating myself????
I think whoever took the pics did a great job with the girls personality without glamourizing it.
edited to add: I think the prices are fair. After pricing around to get some of my drawings printed, yeah, but I have not a clue if the prices are competitive.