"Good" JWs Are Like Terrorists

by minimus 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    They don't care if they die, as long as it's for the cause. They will zealously implement their agenda no matter how unreasonable or ignorant it is.

    If "Mother" told them to become martyrs, they follow the direction. I'm convinced that if the Organization told their followers not to help a exjw in need, they would follow the instructions to the letter of the law----even if it meant that the exjw would die.

    They already treat exjws as being "dead". Religious fanatics are the most dangerous. They blindly follow their indoctrination and don't care what happens to anyone else but themselves and more than that, their cause.

  • mkr32208

    The problem is that the JW religion appeals to and encourages the worst parts of the human psyche. They WANT you to act like a right bastard! The crappier you are as a person the better you'll be at being a witness! I think that's why nice normal sane people have such a hard time being witnesses long term they feel bad, they feel guilt, they know what they are doing is wrong.


    A Good JW will cause as much destruction as possible within their own family..The WBT$ demands it......................Clint Eastwood...OUTLAW

  • BluesBrother

    I have often mused on the similarity of the J W and the extremist who indulges in terrorism in order to change the world to his way of thinking. They both have the same goals, the J W is half way there, to my way of thinking. The important difference is that the dub is prepared to sit back and wait on Jehovah to do the dirty business, for the present at least...

    Both advocate violence as the means to change the system "for the better"

    Both have no regard for the lives of the unbelievers who disagree and do not want the same world.

    Both are prepared to die for their cause - it is taken as a given in the ranks of the dubs, they sing about Myriads Of Brothers "Each his very life would give that another one live"

    They are psyched up to expect persecution, even imprisonment and torture, and are resolved to resist it

    In the "New World", there would be only one religion, no politics, a Theocracy in which dissenters would fight against God and be swiftly dealt with

    They are prepared to subordinate their own desires, wishes, even thinking ability to the group collective opinion ..

    Loyalty to "The Truth" and "The Society " is viewed as loyalty to God and must come before loyalty to ones family, even a husband or wife.

    Scary, isn't it ? I am not saying that the group is currently a danger to society . The ones that I have known for years are much too ordinary and level headed - but with a basic platform as I have described above, the possibility exists for anything to happen in the future.

  • done4good

    I am no longer a jw because of 9/11.


  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    You've made a valid point Minimus, the mind controlling indoctrination that people go through is fanatical in a real sense.

    The WTB$ wants everyone to come to their way of thinking and if you happen to not agree with them your nothing but a desolate goat due for destruction.

    So summit to them on your knees as their slave and give as much of your time promoting their literature and give them as much money as you can.

    They are indeed destructive to the individual and humanity in general.

  • TooOpinionated

    I've thought this for a very long time. Non-witnesses think I'm crazy when I say it, but I know it's true.

  • tresdecu

    I am still a JW, I have been having a hard time with life lately realizing that so much is BS. In fact I'm still an MS...but with all the anger I have, I am trying not to lump all JWs together and focus my anger at the men of power: russel, joe-boy, knorr, franz and the GB of today...they are the ones that created and promote this odd ball culture that we are / were a part of. I try to look at the rank and file...(even though I'm an MS, I am really just a rank and file) as people with the same feelings that I may be having. We can't know how many inside there are that are tortured by the BS, 30% maybe more...I don't know. I know many that I would never categorize as the terrorists that this thread is talking about. I do agree though, that this thread does describe many down to a T though.

  • minimus

    Surely, not every JW is extreme but those that are---the yes men who will follow orders no matter what----they're the dangerous ones.

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    Its part of man's history though isn't it, where there is power and money there will also be self imposing corruption to sustain that power and money.

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