Even when you found out...

by Honesty 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • shopaholic

    Yes, I wanted it to be the truth even though for many years I knew that it wasn't. But having to confront the fact that it wasn't the truth flipped my world upside down. I knew my life would never be the same. I actually took several days off work as I was so sick and cried for days. I begin to question everything...even my own existence.

  • Cheetos

    When more of it is a Crock of Do Do than what is true then its time to disfellowship the stiff necked wanker Witness's.

  • jaguarbass

    Did I want it to be true?

    I found out in 76.

    But I didnt get an education and was ill equiped to live in this world.

    So I wanted something to be true.

    I read the bible cover to cover 5 times and took notes.

    Not the New world translation but a comparative bible with 4 translations side by side.

    And then the king James and then the Living Bible.

    Then I found out there was no truth.

    Only myths and bullshxt.

    Or to put it this way, my truth was pretty upsetting and depressing.

    But that doesnt stop me from slipping back into a trance and having warm fuzzy thoughts.

  • yknot

    I think it will be the closest thing to exorcism I will ever experience.

    I prayed hard to be demon possessed and led astray by you evil bunch of JWD apostates. After 20 minutes of gut wrenching crying, praying and agony...........serendipity.

    To whom, not where.

  • ninja

    I was happy when I found out Jehovah wasn't behind the organisation....especially since I'd just done a runner with the proceeds of the contribution box......

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