The Watchtower org. is nothing more than a business masquerading as a religion. The conference call this Sat. Dec 6,7p.m.EST will be discussing the questionable practices the Watchtower uses to advance their business. One of our special guests, Chris Christiansen,will be describing in detail how Kingdom Hall's ownership is secretly being turned over to the Watchtower organization after their mortgages have been paid off. Christiansen claims that a special agent is sent out by the Watchtower who meets with the local body of Elders and secretly transfers the deeds over to WBTS! This transfer of ownership,He says, is accomplished without the knowledge of the rank and file Witnesses. Christiansen suggests,when the publishers find this out,it is going to cause major problems and could be one of the biggest problems the org. has ever faced. Our other guest will be Jim Parkinson a third generation Bible student who will enlighten us on historically what took place after the death of C.T.Russell. His information on judge Rutherford will give us more insight on what the Watchtower is really hiding behind. Our call opens at 6:30p.m.EST and is opened for all those who have been touched in some way by the "tentacles of the Watchtower. It's easy to get on the call just dial (712)432-8710 and when asked for pin number use 9925.There is no charge for the call, just your normal calling rate applies. To listen to past recorded "Six Screens of the Watchtower"conference calls, hit this link.
Ownership of Kingdom Halls secretly turned over to Watchtower org!
by kool aid man06 24 Replies latest jw friends
help me out here....but why would the dubs who send them tons of money...and will their estate to if they own their KH?....most prob think they own it anyway........oompa
I agree with oompa here, I doubt any of the rank and file, or for that matter, even many elders know who owns the KH......and really I doubt they what GB says to do...that is all they seem to care about.
Actually, in the US if this were found out it would jeopardize their tax status and violates the laws regarding non-profit corporations.
I smell a scam. You pay for the Kingdumb Hell through a mortgage from the Washtowel Slaveholdery, and then they still own it. I wonder what they are going to do, foreclose on something they already own?
Actually, in the US if this were found out it would jeopardize their tax status and violates the laws regarding non-profit corporations.
Well, you know a few congressman Rick. Get busy!
Only when a congregation is dissolved does the property and assets go to the parent non-profit, the WTS.Understanding Nonprofit Ownership
No one person or group of people can own a nonprofit organization. You don't see nonprofit shares traded on stock exchanges, and any equity in a nonprofit organization belongs to the organization itself, not to the board of directors or the staff. Nonprofit assets can be sold, but the proceeds of the sale must benefit the organization, not private parties.
If you start a nonprofit and decide at some point in the future that you don't want to do it anymore, you have to walk away from it and leave the running of the organization to someone else. Or, if the time has come to close the doors for good, any assets the organization owns must be distributed to other nonprofits fulfilling a similar mission.
When nonprofit managers and consultants talk about "ownership" of a nonprofit organization, they're using the word metaphorically to make the point that board members, staff, clients, and the community have a stake in the organization's future success and its ability to provide needed programs.
This doesn't sound right to me either. Recently my "in" mother asked an elder in her cong about it and he said that the cong owns the hall and it can't be sold etc without passing a resolution thru the cong.
In the US, the congregation located on the land the KH sits on was directed to form a non-profit corporation with 3 elders from that congregation acting as officers of the corporation. The corporation owns it, not the congregation (or congregations that share the building), or any individuals.
Ending a Nonprofit Corporation
Nonprofits are not actually owned by anyone and therefore cannot be sold. If the directors of a nonprofit corporation decide to dissolve it, they must pay off all debts and obligations of the nonprofit and distribute all of its assets to another tax-exempt nonprofit corporation.
Here is this site which explains more about nonprofits.
There`s nothing new about this..It`s been discussed to death here on JWD..