Sorry V, I got side-tracked........I checked the videos out and they are great.
JWD is Back And So Am I! NEW VIDEOS
by V 35 Replies latest watchtower bible
thumbs up at this end!
Reniaa said: Did you know baptist ministers get a set sermons sent to them yearly and they preach them word for word from the pulpit? Who sends them the sermons?
Please provide a source for this assertion Reniaa. I know personally at least one of the pastors (there are 3) at my church (which is a Baptist church) writes his own sermons...receiving nothing from 'Mother'.
Tired of the Hypocrisy
Loving the new site V!
Wonderful V, thank you!
Renaai, the other religions are not making or had made our lives a living hell so we here have no need to put them under the scalpel at the moment. As for Baptist ministers or any others getting a sermon sent to them, have you ever asked one personally? My jw was in for a big surprise when I actually contacted a number of ministers and asked them if they wrote their own sermons (all answered in the affirmative) and supplied my jw with their names & numbers so he could ask himself. Like any brainwashed dub he chose not to 'make sure of all things'. They may get ideas from each other and at times even use someone elses or parts, but you fail to see is they have the freedom to make that decision.
Great additions! Keep up the good work!