Were they refreshing, loving shepherds?
Were The Elders "A Hiding Place" To You?
by minimus 23 Replies latest jw friends
Only 1, and he drowned in 1993.
There were some elders that really did try to be kind and supportive. They were the few that could think outside the box.
There were a few who I knew wanted to help me with the domestic violence I was suffering at the hands of a jw husband, but NOT ONE OF THEM suggested I call the police, seek the services of a battered women's shelter or simply divorce the asshole. Instead they counseled me to be a better wife and wait on Jehovah and then df'd me for offering to da myself to get and stay away from him.
I can't find them. I think they misread that scripture and are in the hiding place rather than being one!
Only a few. They were the few bright spots in an otherwise dreary, fear-driven, Puritan-like religion.
Sure, there were some great elders, determined to help others carry their burdens.
Still, if A**holes could fly, Bethel would be an International Airport.
I always hoped and thought I was when serving as an elder
There were a couple of elders that I respected and liked. They were truly good men trying to do the right thing. Too bad they are cult victims...
But even though I liked a couple of them, they were not a "hiding place". I never went to elders with any concerns, troubles or worries. Partly, I didn't want to burden them but mainly I didn't like people knowing too much about me, especially elders who had the power to make life miserable.
The ones I went to for help--were not much help!