The first think normal thinking people do when they knock on there door and hand out there garbage is to Google JW. They then find out what a bunch of sick people they are. Years ago when there was no internet they got sucked into believe if they joined they will live in paradise forever. With the internet they find out there idear of paradise is realy "HELL".
The internet will be there down fall.
by is there help out there 25 Replies latest jw friends
is there help out there
PS The cookie monster know that will never be any cookies in there paradise. Only some stale krums covered with maggets.
John Doe
I don't usually point out typos, (I make them myself), but one in the title catches one's attention. It's repeated in the post itself. You want the possessive pronoun "their," not the word "there."
Cookie monsters don't care about correct word usage.
Leave that man alone! Leave him alone!
He makes some salient observations.
I was thinking just last night and thought about starting a thread.
I know so many people that I met online as JW's that later met here at JWD
its not just the WT that is getting exposed online
is there help out there
Tcookis momster never wnt yo school so how do expect him to use proper grammer and spell. This is why I am 64 years old, still have all my hair and it is same color I was born with. I do not let the littttle things bother me.
Tcookis momster never wnt yo school so how do expect him to use proper grammer and spell. This is why I am 64 years old, still have all my hair and it is same color I was born with. I do not let the littttle things bother me.
I guess he told you, John Doe.
Now, you can file that with your most important papers.
The internet is great is all I xan say.
And the great thing is they are having a hard time 'demonizing' the internet like they do apostates and apostate literature. It may have been hard to get an apostate book years ago, but now it's so easy to stumble on a web site that confirms all the doubts you've been having. And they can't just say "the internet is bad", so their hands are tied.
And they can't just say "the internet is bad", so their hands are tied.
as long their own websites are up there they are legitimizing the Internet
Our job is to make it natural for JW's to join the global conversation, not drones listening to a one-way broadcast from Borg central