Did you ever really have true blue friends being a Witness?

by Cheetos 34 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Cheetos

    Looking back I don't think I really ever had any good friends being Witness, cause if I would have some out of all those people and so called friends I thought I had, you would think one of them would have looked me up over the years. What a farce.

  • Tired of the Hypocrisy
    Tired of the Hypocrisy

    I have not. I have been service partners and work assignment partners with amny, but friends? No.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    There is no one from my childhood that I would consider to be any more than an aquaintance.

    When you 'knew' that either you or them were about to be killed by Sky Daddy for your weaknesses, there was a disincentive to get close to anyone.




    Many years after leaving the WTBTS, eventually with the advent of the internet, there were many times where I'd look up names of people from my Jehovah's Witness experience. I will use the term (experience) because, it was.

    Eventually after many years post 1983/84 - it was a dry spell.

    Once the internet kicked-in, it was open season on finding friends; or so-called.


    That is what they were.....then.....and now? Well, a few have responded.

    Some are 'so-called'; some are: from the past, and that is where they belong.

    Not too much missing, these days.

    As time goes on: people from long while back; have changed in ways, you can hardly imagine: JUST LIKE OURSELVES.

  • JimmyPage

    I have a friend who has stuck with me for years although we have lived in seperate states much of the time.

    We were faithful dubs together serving where the need was great and later he was the first person to introduce me to strip clubs.

    He was the best man at my wedding.

    We should both be DF'd but we've never ratted each other out.

    He hasn't gone to meetings regularly in ages but I don't think he's "apostate" either.

    We've been buds for almost 20 years.

    We met on a bus trip to visit Bethel.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Apparently not, since none of the bastards will speak to me now.

  • Locutus of Borg
    Locutus of Borg

    umm . . .


  • White Dove
    White Dove

    Not a one.

  • Cheetos

    Yup, you got that right Razor in the past is where some of them belong buddy.

  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    I have lived in the same small town for almost thirty years .Attended the KH here regularly all that time . I was a teenager that grew up with many of the members in that hall .We went to each others weddings , raised our children together .Did all the same theocratic activities together . I called many here my friends . We just stopped attending meetings one day . How many do you suppose came to check on us or asked us why we don't attend any more ?????

    After two months one elder came by to invite us to the memorial and nervously asked us if we wanted to talk . We accepted his invite ,but didn't have any need to talk .A year later he stopped by again to give us a news article about our family he found while moving ,conversation was short . I had one sister call me after that . That's it ........

    Not one of the people I felt who were true friends ,you know the ones we had over to play cards and eat dinner with ,called or stopped by .

    That really opened my eyes ....because had they truly showed some true friendship and love I may have hung on a bit longer . So in retrospect it's a good thing they really didn't care .

    I only wish I knew what things they say about us in the car groups . It was a VERY gossipy congregation and I am sure by now the stories are whoppers .

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