I think I know what I will leave my family in my Will

by Elsewhere 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • Elsewhere

    Having been shunned, I have been stumped as to what, if anything, I would leave my biological family should I die before they do.

    Today I was struck by an idea: I'll leave them that bag of $50,000.00 (USD) in shredded cash I have in my closet. (It's been sitting there for about 6 years)

    There is something poetic about the whole idea. :)

  • Pubsinger

    What's your address mate . . .

  • Pubsinger

    I do like the idea tho LOL

  • Elsewhere

    Don't bother trying to get the $50,000... it's shredded.

    It's something the US Mint used to sell as a collectors item (big bags of shredded cash). After cash gets worn out the US Mint will shred it and print new money.

    Every time I look at the bag of shredded cash I think: "God helps those who help themselves... grab the tape and get busy." :P

  • sir82

    Given enough time & scotch tape....

  • Finally-Free

    Leave them a Dell laptop with a 1.6 Ghz processor, 512 MB RAM running Vista "Ultimate". Make sure Norton Internet Security is installed, but expired.


  • Elsewhere

    FF: Hell, I don't wan't to be cruel!!! :S

  • CoonDawg

    "To my beautiful girlfriend, your 25 year old self won't have to content yourself with the meager salary from your playboy photoshoots anylonger. You were never sexually repressed. You never had to tell bedroom secrets to a committee of creepy old men. You loved the c**k and didn't mind getting buck wild in the bedroom. Your family welcomed me to all birthday celebrations and holiday functions with open arms. They never judged me. Here's $2 million tax free, baby!"

    "To my JW family, who always said I'd left Jehoober and had forsaken them and was dead to them, who said I'd never remember them in my will - Hello JW Family."

  • shamus100

    LOL. Good thread!

  • OnTheWayOut

    This gives me a great idea for any out there who have money that
    they consider willing to their JW family.

    "Dear family,

    the terms of my will and the amounts are specified in this document.
    HOWEVER, none of you gets a dime until you all read outloud and
    together, CRISIS OF CONSCIENCE by Raymond Franz. I have
    included enough money to pay an observer to sit in your sessions to
    verify that it is done properly.

    Upon completion, you can do what you want with the money, even
    donating it to the WT organization. If you are unsure of what to do,
    why not ask them? See what their people think, and how much they
    would want to appease your consciences of such an act of apostasy.

    Love, Uncle Herman."

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