by hamsterbait 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • avishai

    Renaiia is going back because that is her choice, not because of us. It's called personal responsibility folks. Were some posters rude, pushy, etc.? Likely. This is real life folks, not the hall where many subjects are taboo. If she can't handle criticism of ideas, etc. (and I suspect she can't, dogma, dogma, etc.,) and lacks critical thinking (c'mon, folks, like us, she was raised to think that independant thinking is bad) she just may not be ready. Many of us have gone back and forth, if not all. Alot of us who've been out DECADES still get JW "twinges". If and when she's ready, she will leave. Until then, I suggest we respect her decision, we're allowed, unlike JW's, to do that.

  • sammielee24

    We need to be kind to those we disagree with, not make them feel like SATAN.

    Why complain about shunning when we treat those who disagree with OUR views just as badly.

    Reniaa is now going back to the cult because there were too many judgmental posts - some of which I found very offensive because they disrespected her as a person.

    I disagree that she is going back to the cult because of any judgement on here - she's going back because she isn't willing to invest the time to live or try to gain knowledge of life outside. I haven't engaged much at all with her but from what I have read, she held her own.

    I would ask why shouldn't anyone complain about shunning? There is every reason to complain and try to change such horrific action and - speaking for me - I haven't treated her or anyone else as badly as I or mine have been treated by the society, JW's and their shunning - most especially for a differing point of view. I wouldn't cut someone off that I loved, my child, my parents, my siblings or my spouse, because we had differing viewpoints on something. To try and compare the act of shunning, which is to treat that person as dead, in no way compares to a disagreement on a point of view from this side of the fence.


  • choosing life
    choosing life

    She was always looking for an argument. Seemed to thrive on it. She has to make her own decision on religion and I respect her choice.


    ..Reniaa,plays this board..She is good at it..Many are up to her game..And..Can play,at beyond what she can understand.................Laughing Mutley...OUTLAW

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    Avishai tells it like it is, some spend years going back and forth through the Kingdom hall doors, its seems for some folks perhaps insecurity reasons,

    religion establishes an identity for them that they find it difficult to let go of..

    I cant personally see how a person with a sound intellect and a balanced emotional state, take in every bit of information that is out on the JWS

    and keep totally devoted, my guess is Reniaa will eventually leave permanently, but for her it may take a long time.

    Another problem that some have a hard time dealing with the a problem of low self esteem and self worth,

    something a religion like this one are capable of developing.

    When they say you will put on a new personality when you become one of their followers, says something about mental programing and regulating under their control.

  • kurtbethel

    I never had any conflicts with Reniaa.

    I am not an apostate, nor do I have any desire to induce someone to be somewhere that their spiritual thirst does not lead them to be.

    So here is a shout out to Reniaa.

    Reniaa, hey girl! If you feel your journey in the Watchtower will be spiritually prosperous for you, then I wish you well there. If you want to grow spiritually closer to the Creator than the Watchtower permits, I wish you safe passage on that journey. It is all up to you.


  • BurnTheShips
    Why complain about shunning when we treat those who disagree with OUR views just as badly.


    All of us matter. So many come here hoping for support.

    Bears repeating. Also I doubt this board is the sole reason Reniaa is going back. That said, I think she was badly treated.


  • LouBelle

    Each to their own. I'm not here to convince anyone of anything. I am here to share. I hope that she will be more open minded when she goes back and question doctrine.

  • 144001

    Reniaa is not going back because of anything on this forum. Her recidivism is a testament to the effectiveness of the mind control techniques employed by the Watchtower cult in its quest to control its members and exploit them for pecuniary profit.

    Good luck, Reniaa!

  • isaacaustin

    Well, LOL It appears that Reniaa has voluntarily disassociated herself. So I guess an announcement would be in order.

    Reniaa is no longer a member of JWD.

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