If you were told you had a terminal disease.............

by ThomasCovenant 10 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • ThomasCovenant

    and you believed in an afterlife or resurrection (and the disease would be quite painfree)

    then why in the world would this not be absolutely the best news you could receive?

    As an atheist I believe that every life lost is one more in the long history of snuffed out lives and there is a certain sadness in that.

    As a Witness, Christian, Muslim etc then surely it follows that every human life finished is a cause for great celebration.

    Yes there may be sadness that for a few years at best you won't be able to communicate with that one but compared to what the afterlife/resurrection brings it's a small sacrifice.

    A local witness elder had his funeral here today. A much liked man. I mentioned his passing to someone the other day and they said the witnesses must be ecstatic at the news. Not.


    Thomas Covenant

  • hillbilly

    if I get so I cant saddle my own horse I probably would eat a bullet out in the woods someplace.

    Damned the "afterlife"... being a burden on myself and those around me would be a bigger sin.


  • ninja

    simple tc........because I wouldn't be able to annoy the JW's.....or (insert name here) anymore

  • stillajwexelder

    Religion is illogical

  • StAnn

    Although I'm not suicidal, I can't wait to die. Now that I actually have a hope of an afterlife and of seeing Jesus face to face, I'm very anxious to get there and see what it's like. If I were told that I'm dying, I'd say my good-byes and wait.

    My only concern about death is who is going to take care of my children after I die.


  • Cheetos

    If i was going to kick the bucket, I asked my wife to get me some real good Chronic weed the good earthy kind that is real sticky and has lots of little red hairs on it, and I will stay High High hidi high high, and I will let my spirit guide take me to the land of cool sand dunes on my feet where the ocean mist is heavey.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    I'd move to Vegas and enjoy my final few

  • asilentone

    I will just live the best as I can.

  • BurnTheShips
    If i was going to kick the bucket, I asked my wife to get me some real good Chronic weed the good earthy kind that is real sticky and has lots of little red hairs on it, and I will stay High High hidi high high, and I will let my spirit guide take me to the land of cool sand dunes on my feet where the ocean mist is heavey.

    Nice! Don't be greedy and share the dank bro! I want to go with you!

  • BurnTheShips
    Although I'm not suicidal, I can't wait to die.

    I can, I have too much unfinished business left in this life. I want to see my kids grow up and have their own first! That is my fear of leaving anytime soon.

    Now that I actually have a hope of an afterlife and of seeing Jesus face to face, I'm very anxious to get there and see what it's like.

    However, I view the end-not with trepidation-but with expectation. Meeting the Inexpressible on the other side is going to be....undescribable.


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