For those of you who are celebrting this year and have done so other years, do you find it kind of hard to get everything done? I thought that money may be my biggest issue this christmas, but it's more about time, I still haven't even got my tree yet, just a couple days ago hung the lights. This past week I only started getting boxes down, I may not go all out this year like last year just seems like not enough time. I feel like this christmas is getting a jump on me, how about you?
Christmas 2008
by Wordly Andre 9 Replies latest jw friends
Same here, and it only gets worse with age...time passes so quickly!
OH I don't care how long it takes to get ready for Christmas, I have put up to mini four foot trees up one in my bedroom and one in a corner in the living room to be moved into the hall way and then the big tree is in the living room, it is all ready decorated just a couple of more decortations and then it is finished, then I have to sit down and write Christmas cards and I have to have my church news letter done by sunday and it will be finished tomorrow afternoon ready for collating. I just started today to do the march newsletter. I have no time to waste.
I love chirstmas so much and the fond memories of a young girl who cherishes them in her heart always and the love that one very special grandma who made my life the best it is today . I miss you grandma and hope you will see how lovely my home is decked out for the holidays just like you use to do .
Merry Christmas to all of you
Love Orangefatcat.
You know if you stress about the time I find that it's worse than what it is really. Try do a little something each day - there is always time to be found.
I work a 9 hour day, have got to shop for my christmas dinner on friday, have to do up guests gifts, re-arrange my lounge to accommodate people, put up my decorations, stop at a friends to get a hot plate, cook the food and be ready by 7pm friday will get done!
wha happened?
I'm going to buy my Mom a Christmas gift for the first time in 20 years
The best thing about the whole season is that you're FREE to either celebrate it....or not.
wha happened?
amen brotha
Wordly Andre
I'm now just about done with my Christmas card list, I think I am dreading getting the decorations down from the garage because my garage is messy right now. I think it's time to make a big box for Charity get rid of lots of crap I don't need.
We're having a big Christmas feast at our house. My JW wife helped with the decorations. She's brilliant with that stuff. I'm going to read Luke 2:1-20 and say a prayer. The reason for the season.
Wordly Andre
We are going to a Christmas party on Saturday I'm making Spanish Tapas as our pot luck dish. I think this year we are getting a fake tree, a real tree with cats is just too much to deal with. Ugg my cats are worse than elders, they bug like hell