unbaptized, I think you have violated the posting guideline #5.
Well, Well, seems the global economy is falling apart more & more
by unbaptized 126 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
JWs and all other fundy apocalyptic groups with PHds in eschatology ( a little sarcasm) really need to give it a rest! They really have NO idea of what the future holds as is evidenced by the fact that ALL predictions they have made have turned out to be utterly false! Everything they preach is pure conjecture, complete speculation and nothing more! I want nothing to do with guesses anymore, give me facts, just the facts please!
I agree that the economy is falling apart. I don't know how much worse it's going to get, but I'm also not going to pretend it's not happening. I'm taking certain precautions because I think it's still going to get much worse.
Religious-wise, well, "no one knows the day or the hour" so what's the point in guessing? I'd rather stand ready in case the 2nd Coming does occur, rather than start panicking.
I am not worried about it.
Homerovah the Almighty
Apocalyptic fear mongering cults like the JWS feed of peoples fears and ignorance to gain support and money, there is no relevance to reality what so ever.
Brother Apostate
Apocalyptic fear mongering cults like the JWS feed of peoples fears and ignorance to gain support and money , there is no relevance to reality what so ever .
And Homer continues to live up to his namesake, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh, doh: -
Homerovah the Almighty
- Main Entry:
- rel·e·vance
- Pronunciation:
- \ ' re-l?-v?n(t)s\
- Function:
- noun
- Date:
- 1733
1 a : relation to the matter at hand No relevancy to reality Like your name for example , you claim to be an Apostate to the JWS....... -
Brother Apostate
- Main Entry:
- rel·e·vance
- Pronunciation:
- \ ' re-l?-v?n(t)s\
- Function:
- noun
- Date:
- 1733 1 a : relation to the matter at hand No relevancy to reality
Thanks for proving my point yet again.
You win the award:
BA- Now, look up "proper usage" regarding words. Better yet, get an education, schmuck.
Homerovah the Almighty
Apocalyptic fear mongering cults like the JWS feed of peoples fears and ignorance to gain support and money, there is no relation to reality what so ever in this thinking. There happy now Fear dilutes critical thinking doesn't it Next time your at a Kingdom Hall watch and listen to what is being said