JW's and higher standards

by besty 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • besty

    In a recent conversation I had with a nominal JW they were literally lost for words when I put it to them that I had higher standards now that I was no longer a JW...

    1 - I don't agree with letting babies and children die for want of a banned blood fraction

    2 - I don't agree with taking from but not donating to the blood supply

    3 - I don't agree with religious discrimination aka JW shunning

    4 - I don't agree with policies that cover up child abuse

    5 - I don't agree with lying wilful intellectual dishonesty in published works and teachings (607 etc)

    This was in response to the 'accusation' that we had lowered our standards by celebrating birthdays, Xmas, Halloween, me smoking the occasional cigar etc.

    JW response - I don't want to have this conversation - you are better than me at arguing.

    Shame really.

  • AudeSapere

    Not only are my standards higher, they are genuine.

    I do not feel a need to sneek or hide anything in my life. I am more genuine and my motives are more honest.

    Interesting conversation that must have been.

    Merry Christmas!!


  • carla

    I love your answer and have heard similar from other ex jw's on the boards over the years. The jw said, "you are better than me at arguing." is this a taught response when they no longer want to discuss things? my jw used to use that when it would get a little too hot for him and was confronted with the wt's themselves. Now he I don't think he is allowed to discuss anything related to the bible, God or his cult religion.

  • flipper

    BESTY- That is a great comeback to any witness. Might make this young woman think down the road ! Good job

  • Seeker4

    Terrific conversation, and dead on.

    I still love my ex-wife JW in so many ways, but she is so more negative about people, especially those who are still JWs, than I am, and her condemnation of non-JWs is even harsher.

    It is an interesting perspective to live your life as though you are superior to everyone else in every way, while reality says that that is not so.


  • truthseeker

    Great comeback Besty!

  • passwordprotected

    Nice comeback. I'd add that Jesus didn't say anything about birthdays and Xmas, but he did prohibit going after false prophets who proclaimed the due time had approached. So while you're not a Christian, you're actually sticking closer to Jesus words than JWs do.

  • sweet pea
    sweet pea

    I think its a good way to set a JW back on their heels - they have a lifetime of being told they are better than everyone else and I for one am not standing for it anymore.

    Just another way to wake them up hopefully.

    EDIT: posted by Besty duh

  • MegaDude

    No. 6 -- JWs lack faith to defend their beliefs when confronted by somebody who knows what they're talking about. :)

  • sweet pea
    sweet pea

    bttt for newbie Daft Fader.....

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