My answer is I hope so!
Do you think the Economy will get better in 2009?
by asilentone 24 Replies latest jw friends
in september, maybe.
no - 2010 before it gets better
Brother Apostate
Absolutely not.
Anyone who can't see that has their head buried deeply in the sand.
On top of the fact that Medicare, Social Security, Medicaid outlays are rising dramatically, the interest on the debt was nearly equal to that outlay BEFORE the bailout!
Wrap your head around this:
The above, of course, is already OUTDATED! (Currently $8.5 Trillion and rising). Also bear in mind that the above numbers are inflation-adjusted.
Current projections are that upwards of $20 Trillion will be required to repress the coming Greater Depression.
It's a no-win situation. That amount of cash injection will devalue the dollar tremendously.
BA- Get ready for the Greater Depression, worse than the first.
PS- “And there came to him the Pharisees and Sadducees tempting: and they asked him to show them a sign from heaven. But he answered and said to them: When it is evening, you say, It will be fair weather, for the sky is red. And in the morning: Today there will be a storm, for the sky is red and lowering. You know then how to discern the face of the sky: and can you not know the signs of the times?” – Matthew 16:1-3
For me, this is a pretty good economy right now, but I'm a down market guy. I just wish interest rates were about 8% CD rates.
I hate inflation mixed up with LOW interest. -
I like positive people!
I would like to hope that it would. It is so sad to see so many homes going in foreclosure and people struggling.
Gas has come down greatly, which has helped. The government really needs to think of something to help us get jobs back and get the economy going.
People who make $2,000 a month sign up to buy a house and agree to make $1,200 monthly payments? And they think that's sustainable for 30 years without ever missing a payment? Hahahaha!!!!
They're idiots. They deserve to go broke. They've done everything required to fail.
I was taught early to live totally on 1/2 of my income and save and invest the other 1/2. Don't service debt. Don't have less that one full year contingency cash fund on hand. Never borrow money at all "ever" to buy land or buy any depreciating asset. Never buy high.
Build, don't buy if at all possible.
If a plan won't work in a worst case scenario, it's a bad plan. Profit is made on the buy and realized on the sell. Use an agent on all big deals even if you are one.
Be glad for the idiots. This is a buyer's paradise. -
I agree Gary that it was dumb on their part, but the blame does fall mostly on the mortgage companies & the banks! They should know not to loan money to these people and let them get in this shape!!! It starts to effect the economy as a whole....
american inflation will drive down the USD, making them more competetive so that will help. BUT, inflation is going to be out of control in the US when 9 Trillion dollars makes its way to the real economy. Some economist are predicting a 60 Cent USD to the CDN Dollar in 2 years.
that will drive my CDN dollar up. while that is not good for the CDN economy it is very good for the business I am in. Plus I dont live outside of my means so I have almost no debt. So right now my mortgage interest rate is rediculously low and I continue to make overpayments on it as i know when i renew my rates will go up.
Really, there is little financial crisis for people that managed their money responsibley during the up years.
7 out of 10 years are up, that means 3 are down. Why cant people figure this out? its not a mistake, or a tribulation, its how are economy works and has always worked. Dont cross your fingers and hope it doesnt happen - it must happen. It will always happen.
I used to be in manufacturing but I saw the writing on the wall back in the 90's and went back to school. thank goodness for that. A lot of JW's work in mfr'ing and will be out of work. With no education they will view this as "Tribulation".