Congrats! It's gonna change your life!! Do yourself a favor and never use the subject line to your S/O during or after her pregnancy. It's liable to get you seriously injured.
by funkyderek 46 Replies latest social family
Congrats! It's gonna change your life!! Do yourself a favor and never use the subject line to your S/O during or after her pregnancy. It's liable to get you seriously injured.
Great news- uh, better start saving money for college.
, and
To both of yall !
Funks -
Are you 100% sure it's HER baby?
White Dove -
It's an emasculate contraption. Don't you knows your Cattyschism?
All the best to you!
Thanks to everybody for the good wishes! To answer all the relevant questions: Yes, this is our first, he's due in early May, and no, I didn't do it all by myself - although it was my idea, my girlfriend just wanted a backrub! Seriously though, I know she has to do the bulk of the work (not my fault, biology dictates it!) and am doing my best to attend to her every need. Impending fatherhood has not led me to change my views on the nature of the universe and we will be raising the child without religious indoctrination.
ohok funkyderek...that answers my question of whether you were going to raise your child as a Witness.
Psalms 127:3 ,4,5>>>>Guess you have a good Quiver