Good article, Sylvia.
Edited for my favorite bits:
Latest smears prove Obama foes getting desperate
Right-wing critics are having a tough time constructing a line of attack against the wildly popular president-elect.
The Republican National Committee has taken the lead in trying to link Mr. Obama to Mr. Blagojevich, releasing a video yesterday entitled: "Questions remain."
Actually, not many do. It is clear Mr. Obama never spoke with Mr. Blagojevich after the election - the two men were rivals in Chicago politics, not allies - and there is not a shred of evidence to suggest anyone in the Obama campaign negotiated with the Governor over anything.
Quite the opposite: a careful read of the obscenity-laced criminal complaint against Mr. Blagojevich makes this much quite clear: in wiretapped conversations, the Governor revealed that he was in big financial trouble. He also faced possible impeachment. He wanted out of the job of Governor, and conspired with his aides to present Mr. Obama with a choice: in exchange for selecting the president-elect's preferred candidate for the Senate, Mr. Obama must ensure that Mr. Blagojevich secures a high-paying job, either within the administration or at a non-profit enterprise. But whatever the Governor might have proposed as a quid pro quo came to naught, for Mr. Blagojevich later rages that Mr. Obama's people were "not willing to give me anything but appreciation."
Nonetheless, critics are lambasting Mr. Obama for not being more forthcoming with a complete accounting of who-said-what-to-whom, even though the president-elect said last week that he was compiling exactly that and would release it in due course.
With "all due respect to the Republican National Committee and anybody, right now, I think we should try to be working constructively together, not only on an issue such as this, but on the economy, stimulus package, reforms that are necessary," Mr. McCain told George Stephanopoulos yesterday on ABC's This Week.
Mr. McCain, who need no longer bear the load of trying to tarnish the incoming Democratic administration, perhaps underestimates the daunting challenges facing Republicans seeking to discredit Mr. Obama in the eyes of the nation.
After all, his cabinet picks have been uniformly praised as diverse, pragmatic and highly qualified.
Under such circumstances, critics must take what they can get.Implying a false syllogism - there is corruption in Illinois politics; Barack Obama is from Illinois; Barack Obama must be corrupt - probably won't get Republicans and conservative commentators any further than they got by claiming Mr. Obama consorted with domestic terrorist (well, actually university professor) William Ayers.
No wonder the Republicans leapt on the Blagojevich scandal, despite the lack of any tangible connection to the incoming president. Come on, they're dying here.
If the shoe fits, wear it - don't throw it.