Scriptures that bothered me when I was a Witness

by I quit! 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • BabaYaga

    Good GLORY, Awakened! How can I ever thank you for introducing me to the lol cat bible...?

    Or shud ay hev sed Hai! thx fer teh jehovah cat kthnxbai.


  • slimboyfat

    What about the story of Hosea and his wife? I always hated that. They are studying it now in the book study.

    We are to believe that God engineered it so that Hosea's wife was unfaithful to him but that the two were later reconciled. All this was to teach Hosea, Israel, and Bible readers that humans have been unfaithful to God but that he will stand by them if they return to him.

    All it taught me was that the God the Bible supposedly uses the lives or ordinary people to inflict considerable personal pain just to teach weird abstract lessons.

  • mkr32208

    Yeah slim or what about job? THAT is about a bullshit story right there! When Jehovah pulled up in his tornado Job should have given that evil sick twisted mother f*cker the ol' one finger salute!

  • BabaYaga

    I didn't understand why Abraham had to cajole and negotiate with Jehovah not to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah without getting the righteous folks out first. Abraham has to ask... "But Lord, what if there were 50 righteous people in it" ...then 45, then 30, then 20, or even ten righteous people. This bothered me to death as a child hearing bible stories. Jehovah knew EVERYTHING!!! Of COURSE he knew Lot and his family were there!? I mean, this is JEHOVAH we're talking about... why did Abraham have to appeal to him about this? Yep... God of Love... and yep... Omnipotent, alright.

    For that matter, what about them sending Lot's daughters out to be raped by the crowds... yeah that was righteous... or Lot's wife looking back... well was she righteous or not? And Lot's daughters laying with him after they had just been... oh man there is so much about this story that reeks I really shouldn't have gotten started. I'm kinda getting a headache.

    Yeah. I was bothered a lot by bible stories.

  • WTWizard

    That scripture that you will not be tried beyond what you can bear. My life experiences prove that a blatant lie.

    Of course, the Washtowel Slaveholdery explains that by telling me that Jehovah is the one that decides what you can bear. Of course, that Almighty Lowlife Scumbag is not going to ever feel that anything is "more than you can bear". He expects you to bear any and all tribulation and still come out praising Him.

  • Blueblades

    All the quotes that were given by the responsers demonstrate that the Bible could not be from a loving Creator. These words quoted are from the mindset of men and women.

    I don't believe the Bible is inspired from God. There are many more scriptures that bothers scholars etc.


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