That sweet and wholesome man known as Mr. Rutherford

by Homerovah the Almighty 26 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • jaguarbass

    The way Rutherford is being described here he sounds like a typical bilbe thumping preacher, corrupt, boozing, womanizer.

    They expose one every week in the pappers.

    The beauty of it is,

    They hide behind this preachers credo.

    "Do as I say not as I do"

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty


    The Watchtower's "House of Security"

    Ken Raines

    Beth-Shan in 1945, shortly after being sold by the Watchtower Society. (Black and white photo courtesy of Edmond C. Gruss - color enhanced on computer). Not too shabby of a pad either was it ?


    This aerial photo of the Beth-Shan residences was taken after its sale in 1945. The building at upper right is the main Beth-Shan residence. The long building to the left of the cul-de-sac is the "goat barn" which had a secret bomb shelter (as did the main residence). The air strip at top left was not built by the Society, but was built by Bruster Gillies in 1945 after he purchased the property from the Society.

  • Farkel

    leolaia my dear,

    That link you provided about Rutherford and Capone that I wrote in 2005? It only had 1 1/2 pages of comments during its run, and some of them were negative. So I clicked on it just now. My goodness! It has almost 15,000 views! That's pretty impressive! Nearly as many as the Berta stuff!

    Thanks for waking me up. I sometimes worry about whether I have been peeing in the wind for the last few years or not.


  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Farkel stated,

    NONE of his "great" books are still in print. Some "great" man that.

    Actually, a few of THE GREAT MAN'S titles ARE still in print:

    "Millions Now Living Will Never Die"

    "Face The Facts And Learn The Only One Way Of Escape"

    "Our Lord's Return"

    ...are some.

    There may be others, and additional titles may yet appear.

    WHY are these title still in print and available for seekers of truth?

    So that the magnitude of the man might be witnessed first-hand. Bring a microscope...

    These titles can be found on AMAZON.COM or LULU.COM, available to the entire English-speaking world.

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    Nathan.......I know they are available at Amazon but are they really still being printed by the WTS. ?

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Homerovah the Almighty spake thusly:

    I know they are available at Amazon but are they really still being printed by the WTS. ?

    No, of course not. I didn't say they were being printed by the WTB&TS.

    The WTB&TS would probably prefer that the titles remained out-of-print and unavailable for all time.

    But, in it's wisdom, US Copyright law provides a LIMIT to the copyright term, and once that limit has been met, the publication enters the PUBLIC DOMAIN, and can be reprinted by anyone. The holders of the original copyright no longer control the publication.

    Many early Watchtower publications were published without any copyright protection at all. The Golden Age magazine is one. At the time it was being published, the world's end was even closer than it is today, and such secular concepts as copyright protection (which is not mentioned in the scriptures, by the way) were probably seen as unnecessary wastes of effort and ink. Back then, in order to have copyright protection, the publication had to contain somewhere within it a copyright notice. No copy of The Golden Age ever contained such a notice.

    Nowadays, with the end of the world so far out of sight, it is necessary for the Faithful and Discreet Slave to avail itself of all the legal protection offered by Satan's governments, and so today virtually every whistle, burp and fart from Bethel is copyrighted to the fullest extent permitted by law, which for published work is 95 years if renewed (and they renew). Oh boy, do they renew! They have to keep their crap out of apostate hands for as long as possible - it is life-giving "water of truth," after all!

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    Thanks for the clarification Nathan

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