JWs say everything they believe is based on the Bible. So name a JW belief that can't be proven using a Bible alone and no WT publications. I'll start with a hint... one of them has to do with the year 1919.
Stumper for JWs
by JimmyPage 28 Replies latest jw friends
Okay..... what about the resurrection of average already dead people during the millenial reign........
1st Resurrection is of the 'anointed', but the 2nd doesn't happen until after Christ's reign.
Lu 23:42, 43 could just as easily mean the time after the scrolls are read........
OR...... our whole concept of the "new system"...which BTW is under "new world" on the CD....???? What no Dubbie lingo on CD?
Good points, yknot. Most Witnesses just take the WT's word as gospel- or MORE important than gospel!
Where does the Bible talk about blood transfusions.....or for that matter fractionated blood.
Where does the Bible talk about voting?
What verse defines the difference between a "major" and a "minor" blood fraction? And which verse indicates that "minor" fractions are acceptable?
Yes, ask a JW to prove, using the Bible alone and no WT publications, that Christ inspected all religions and appointed the Watchtower Bible Students over all his belongings in the year 1919.
Witness 007
Gambling - Where the hell in the bible does it say; "thou shalt not gamble thy money?" Sure there are verses about greed, but will a brother get disfellowshiped for working a 70 hour week ....working six and a half days a week? Playing a game for money is not a sin in the bible.
Bottom line: They believe whatever the cult leaders tell them to believe. Period.
Everything they believe is based upon a UNIQUE INTERPRETATION of the Scriptures. This is true with most religions.
Where the cult member jumps the tracks, so to speak, is when they accept directions from their cult LEADER(S) as being on par with the Scriptures. The average JW will argue with you day and night and swear they only believe what the Bible teaches. However, JWs are routinely disfellowshipped for offenses that are not found in the Bible. Additionally, directions given in the Watchtower must be followed, not criticized or minimized as being optional or unimportant.
So, Watchtower law is as binding as Biblical law, in practice.
If you want to stump them, it's so easy.
(1) Will you show me in the Bible where it explains that some blood fractions are acceptable and others are not?
(2) Will you show me in the Bible where it says oral sex between married persons is wrong?
(3) Will you show me in the Bible where it explains who the Mediator for the Great Crowd is?
The list goes on and on....
Prove, using just the Bible, that celebrating birthdays and Christmas is wrong. I already know about the stock examples of the two birthdays where someone got killed as part of the celebration, but does that explicitly imply that all birthdays are wrong? And, what about Job's children celebrating their birthdays? And Luke 2:10-14 discussing the first Christmas?