I remember a Watchtower on Adam and Eve's creation from the late 1950's saying that 6,000 years ends in 1974!!!! Then we know in the late !960's it was 1975.....and if I'm not wrong in Crisis of Conscience Ray said that Franz's again wanted to change the date to 1976 I think...but Knorr questioned him over it........anyone have this info. it's hard to find.
Anyone know Franz said Armagedon originally in 1974 then 75 then 76!!
by Witness 007 12 Replies latest jw experiences
I remember a sister coming back from an assembly about 1972, saying she learned that Armageddon might come in 1974 instead of 1975 because of an uncertainty in dating the time period during the days of Abraham and that could have made the date of Adam's creation one year earlier (4027 BCE instead of 4026 BCE). Don't remember exact details. I think Franz was the speaker.
I used to pioneer with an older anointed brother named Guido Fulgenti in San Luis Obispo, real nice guy but prob. gone by now. We covered the entire town in 6 months in 1974! He knew Rutherford personally. He picked up on Franz' nonsense and his personal views were that 1974 would be it! At Bethel we new tis was an option. Don'r recall 1976 tho. :-)) Randy
I too remember hearing around the time Knorr died that Freddie had wanted to move it to 1974, but it was a no-go.
I remember we kept 'vigil' until 1977-78, afterwards looking back my KH/Elders started getting 'religion' by 1980, loyalty to God was above WTS.
Homerovah the Almighty
The laughable part of this whole thing is that there is no reliable documentation of the beginning of man, it was all made up on weak
and unreliable sources , basically they made it up in their heads more than anything.
It may have been the biggest religious scam ever pulled off in human history !
Yes it did help in the gathering of members and of course the circulation of their literature for a few years up until 1975, but after that year
things back fired on them and they received @ 25% loss in members, I bet god's solemn organization wont try that again
I am thoroughly convinced that Fred Franz was a real nutjob!
Homerovah the Almighty
It was shortly after that situation that I realized that I had been manipulated by a corrupt Religious Publishing House.
And I then said good-bye
So when did Armageddon actually come? '74, '75, or '76?
Black Sheep
They weren't the nutjobs for making it up.......
......I was the nutjob for believing it.
Tonight.....I am the bad guy for pointing it out.
Same old shit....different day.
I was 8 in 75..I do not recall the 1974 coming of the big A
Jimmypage, Armageddon actually came(I guess you are too blind with your spiritual eyes to see it coming) but it was invisible, like Christ's presence in 1874, and in 1914,,,we are talking about invisible events from invisible prophets, who have INVISIBLE BRAIN...
So invisibly speaking we are at the New System(that is visible only to the JW's), and we are invisible dead louzy apostates....
chears Randy