last nite at my parents service meeting an announcement was made regarding the new triple meeting. They said that no one can go over their allotted time at all during the TMS. If the bell rings you are to stop immediately- not even finishing your sentence. The elder also said that if you go over your time you may not be allowed to give any more talks. This was said in all seriousness.
announcement at service meeting last night
by isaacaustin 54 Replies latest jw friends
Awesome! I'm definitely going overtime. That will get me out of the school for sure. I hope this is true!
I don't have a problem with sticking to the time allotted.
My thing is that no bell rings on the elders when they go overtime.
We all know that the elders and C.O.'s are huge on going overtime. -
Jimmy Page,
If the bell rigns you are not to finish your sentence- yes they said that. Stop right in mid-air. If you obey that directive (from the recent instruction school PO's went to) you will be allowed to give future talks. if you conitnue on after the bell the elder said you may not be allowed to give future talks. Apparently the instructions were very strict not to go over and to end on time.
So, if I were you I would continue on...LOL and on and on and on
They should have bells for the Service Meeting. There is where you see time abusers.
you may not be allowed to give any more talks.
Finally they're rewarding the disobedient! This is long overdue.
If enough people start going overtime, they may have to cancel the TMS altogether!
DO you think the TMS will be phased out in some way? I am assuming this triple meeting will be too much mental gymnastics on the mind. ANy thoughts on it being modified over time?
Actually this was the policy for the rank and file in my last congregation...but they let them finish the sentence. The biggest offenders were the elders and the COs as to going overtime but even the school overseer was not allowed to "counsel" them privately.
mmmmm,,,,I wonder what television show is on that these folks are in a hurry to get home to.
DO you think the TMS will be phased out in some way?
I personally think that when the literature sales are just too much
for the budget, there will be some kind of change toward ending the
preaching work. Without the preaching, there's no more need to get
the sisters up there giving preaching-related talks.They will phase out the school by having just instruction talks and
Bible Highlights and completely phase out the service meeting as
there is no service. Don't expect this anytime soon, but eventually
I see it happening. The evening meeting won't just be a book study
and Bible highlights. They will find some new instructions to replace
the service meeting. That's my 2 cents on this.