Years before the elder arrangement, there was only one Presiding Overseer or Congregation Servant. He was THEE MAN. When I was growing up, we had 2 different men that held that position in the years I was in the Hall. I got along with both very well. I was a good theocratic boy.
When the concept of a body of elders came out, it really rocked the congregations. For some it was a godsend. Others though contemplated the many possible problems that having a BOE might present. Being a teenager and being taught nothing but "never refuse an assignment from Jehovah", it gave me and others a goal that we never thought was possible. When I was appointed "by holy spirit" at age 24, I thought I could REALLY help those in need---but I was a kid myself. with a wife and baby! Plus, try telling a 50 year old couple how they should help their rebellious teenage kids......Yeah right.
So my question is, did the body of elder arrangement really work better? (Even if you weren't a JW in the 60s, would you have wanted just one man to deal with?)