Wouldn't God have been more accurate in providing prophecies to JW's?

by Quirky1 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog


    What in the world, makes you think that God has ever spoken to the WTBTS?

  • Quirky1


    What in the world, makes you think that God has ever spoken to the WTBTS?

    God??? LMAO

  • jaguarbass

    IF God could talk and prophecy, why doesnt he tell us all hello and what he wants.

    And what hes going to do for us.

    It should be that I need God more than he needs me.

    Because if he needs me more than I need him, how is he going to help me?

    If hes not going to help me, I dont really understand he relationship.

    Unless he is one of those Egyptian type Gods who needs slaves.

  • LouBelle

    I reasoned rather logically on this: if the JWs were indeed Gods' true organisation and 'spokesperson' surely he would have supplied correct info. I mean the prophets got it right.

  • Awakened at Gilead
    Awakened at Gilead

    It was all in the great pyramid.. when da judge gave that up... its been all downhill

  • Jeremy C
    Jeremy C

    In a sense, this has already happened. For all intents and purposes, it was really Fred Franz who wrote the Old Testament. He may as well have been. He took the Old Testament, turned it, twisted it, and tied it into knots in order to make it apply to the Watchtower organization. Senior members of the Watchtower staff even referred to him as the "oracle".

    Today, the Governing Body are more or less the body of apostles, and the Watchtower articles are the repositories of new light.

    Jehovah really is revealing prophecies to the JWs. It just all depends on how you define Jehovah. Is Jehovah the omnipotent power of the universe, or is he a just a imaginary character that operates inside the subconscious minds of the GB - like a computer virus that operates inside of a PC?

    Did Jehovah really command the Isreallites to commit rape and genocide, or did writers seek to provide political cover for attrocities they committed by saying that "God said so"? Did Allah really tell those young men to fly airplanes into buildings? Or did the delusions of their minds lead them to do so?

    Jehovah and Allah are one and the same character. So is Baal, Vishnu, Zeus, and the tooth fairy. And whatever proclomations they might utter; whether it be to blow up buses, make changes to blood policy, or for a Texas Governor to run for president are delusions of the mind. God doesn't want anyone to do anything. How could he?

    How could that which is omnipotent have any needs or desires?

  • cameo-d
    the light gets brighter, as the scripture says

    Who brings the light?

    It was all in the great pyramid

    Plato's initiation encompassed three days of entombment in the Great Pyramid, during which time he died (symbolically), was reborn, and was given secrets that he was to preserve. Plato's writings are full of information on the Mysteries.

    The ancient Egyptian word for pyramid was khuti, which meant "glorious light." The pyramids are the great Egyptian temples of initiation..."

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