Once upon a time, there was an uncompromising, radical religious
magazine called the Watchtower. It railed against governments,
popular customs, vaccinations, voting, the UN, and countless
other topics.
Then the lawyers got hold of it.
Little by little, they gelded this raging beast of a journal.
Indirectly, they caused it to be filled with platitudes and
lifestories of sad old people who spent their youth preaching
an imminent end that never came.
How did they geld the Watchtower? Well, consider:
They can't say much of anything about homosexuality - especially
at assemblies. In New England and California, there are many
liberal cities where anything unfavorable about gays could be
interpreted as 'hate speech' - and local groups do sometimes
check what's said!
They can't talk about governments being led by the Devil -
as JT points out, that can lead to disaster in court cases.
Wanna try and get justice from a judge holding a pile of Watchtower
quotes about how Satan is really his boss?
Neutrality? The Watchtower doesn't wanna say (plainly and
explicitly) "YOU AREN'T ALLOWED TO VOTE". They also won't
YOU". yep, a definite no-no!
Christendom and Catholics? Forget the old 'whore of Babylon'
stuff, if they blast churches the way they used to, they'll
get into trouble with human rights groups for being intolerant!
Holidays? Read the latest Question From Readers (Dec.15)
Why can't they just say "CHRISTMAS"???!! Nope, that would be
a little too honest - they can't say "ALMIGHTY GOD SAYS YOU
The role of women?? Are they inferior? Are they as smart as
men? Why do they have to be subservient? They can't say plainly-
that's a real dangerous topic for them to discuss too openly.
How 'bout explaining their authority from God and Jesus?
How 'bout a coherent explanation of why they are the 'faithful
slave' and nobody else is? Cat got your tongue, guys? Pay no
attention to the little man behind the curtain!
Shall I go on? Blood? 'Gentile Times'? Failure of their prophecies?
Do you find yourself eagerly reading each new Watchtower just
to see what subjects are left that they can POSSIBLY TALK ABOUT?
The poor old timers must privately weep. This ain't the organization
they fought for. Heck, we could generate electricity from Rutherford
spinning in his grave ....
Well, if we could be certain where he's really buried!
metatron ( Welcome to the Mainstream Express!)