Things I Would Like To See Before I Die.....

by hillary_step 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • wallaby jack
    wallaby jack

    G'day HS,

    any friend of ozzies is a friend of mine (like it or not ;)


    Yeah Stephanus but you give a damn good dropkick to a dropkick

    cheers, unc.

  • DannyBear

    Farkel and Bathroy playing 'strip poker'

    Teejay, Bigboi, Seeker, Julie, Ginny and I dancing the 'mexican hat dance'...left foot in left foot out...turn it all about..

    MadApostate beating a confession out of whomever about whatever

    Unclebruce doing breathing exercises with Skally

    Mulan chasing down next year's 48# thanksgiving turkey

    Freepeace dressing down the entire seated Governing Body, then Tracy following up with fully braided leather whips.....on second thought thats to good for em!

    Prisca and Tina in leather, riding on the same Harley...then kicking the shit outa anybody they choose...'you talkin to me'

    Esmeralda with no worries, no tears, and no beast on her back

    Logical telling us about her first kiss

    Ashitaka and wife never having to witness another 'witness' atrocity

    All of us, no matter our weakness, no matter our strength, no matter our past history.......realize we share a common bond, we are brother's and sister's more now, than ever before....


  • larc

    Hillary - climb Mt. Everest... and not die of exposure of course.

    Logical - leave chat, go down to the local pub and meet a nice girl.

    Mommy - move back to North Carolina, before she freezes to death

    RHW - get a horse ranch in Colorado

    You Know - put money in a 401k

    Simon and family - move to Ohio instead of Canada

    Farkel - start the next generation Microsoft replacement company.

    Frenchy - post more bare breasted women from Rutherford's books.

    Waiting - move her Yankee butt back to Indiana where she belongs, and meet Zazu and I at the local Krispy Kreme.

    Aussies - in the winter, move your barby to the U.S. where it is summer.

    Have all of us meet at Cedar Point next year, in fulfillment of Revelation.

  • thewiz

    Seeing the WTBS, in print say they are sorry

    Jennifer Love Hewitt naked -top to bottom.

    To climb to the top of a mountain and have the courage to throw myself off, screaming FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCKK! as I go down.

  • SixofNine
    Andee, Ginny, Venice, 609 and harmony eating buttered mango,

    LOL, *sigh* - - one man's misperception is another man's christmas morning! UncleBruce, if you are Santa Claus and can make this happen, I promise to believe in you and only you for the rest of my life.

    Im'a be a frickin' Papist with a John Paul mask. The Real Slim Sixy

  • ozziepost

    Stephanus, oldTom and Ozzie post flaying aussie rules footy at the beach,

    You got it right, unc. Our playing would look like flaying.

    BTW shouldn't we have more in the team?


    "It's better to light a candle than to curse the darkness."


  • joelbear

    Having seen Midnight Express I don't think I would like a Turkish prison very much.

    Maybe a Turkish steam bath with Hoss Cartwright and the Turkish Olympic weightlifting team.


  • Angharad

    Aawww Larc thats sweet - would be fun meeting you and Zazu.

    Wallaby - stupid question but is a wing ding an arguement?

  • Englishman

    I would just like to know why some posters refer to Logical as "She", whilst others use "He".


    Bring on the dancing girls!

  • DannyBear

    Who really knows for sure?

    Thus sayeth Who's Who.......

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