The most stupid thing a sister said to me

by Newborn 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • Finally-Free
    The sister is talking about a 'fling'. Not a sustainable relationship.

    Hey, once a person gets to my age and diameter, almost any attention is a compliment.


  • BabaYaga

    Aude said, "However, on third reading, the phrase "want to have an affair with you" really sets a different tone.
    The sister is talking about a 'fling'. Not a sustainable relationship."

    See... that's what I noticed, too.

    I always say, "Take compliments where you can find 'em!" but this one really is rather sordid. She didn't say "any brother should want to marry you" or even "If I were a brother I would marry you" she said "HAVE AN AFFAIR". That really was the Freudian slip in this whole "compliment", I'm afraid.

    I feel sorry for her for more reasons than I can list. She has no idea what she is even thinking or saying.

  • Newborn

    If she had said, "You are so beautiful! Any man would want you." That's a compliment."Why would she use a setting that is considered sinful by her own standards to make a point? "


  • lancelink

    was this one of her favorite songs?

  • StAnn

    She was definitely hitting on you.

    Question, because I'm a little forgetful. Are you single? When I was single, and very openly happy about it, some Dubs assumed that I must be a lesbian, since I turned down every offer from every "eligible" brother in my KH. The fact that they were all morons and none of them met MY standards of eligibility didn't seem to matter; if I turned them down, I must be a lesbian! Yeah, right.

    I got hit on by women rather frequently. Non-JW women. Single for 10 years and I don't wear makeup. People make assumptions.

    Anyway, this chick may be hitting on you because she's a closet lesbian OR...she and her husband may be swingers and they are interested in you.

    But if you feel uncomfortable about it, your instincts are probably right.


  • chickpea

    appreciating someone of one's own gender
    is not necessarily an indication that they are "gay"

    might just mean they get that you are a catch!

    from "willie o' winsbury"

    it is no wonder, said the king
    that my daughter's love you did win
    if i were a woman as i am a man
    my bedfellow you would have been

  • minimus

    Newborn, you hot thing....put a pic up.

  • Tired of the Hypocrisy
    Tired of the Hypocrisy

    My wife is slightly bisexual. She has never been a full on lesbian, but she has enjoyed the comfort only another woman can give her. Now that she is so sick, her desire for sex of any kind is gone, but she still crushes from time to time. It is not offensive for the sister to want you is it? desire is one thing while acting on it is another.

  • FlyingHighNow
    I think she revealed her sick deep thoughts. Huh

    What was sick about them? And it didn't mean she was gay. Straight girls can have straight crushes. But even it she is gay or bi, she just couldn't repress herself when she was around you. Be highly complimented.

  • jws

    The whole "would have an affair thing" struck me too. That's not saying you're beautiful or you're a nice person that everyone should want to date. That's saying if the circumstanced were right I'd want to have sex with you. Affairs are about sex.

    And look at the context. This is a married Jehovah's Witness woman who's apparently a bit self-righteous. Affairs of any kind shouldn't be the type of thing any proper JW woman would say she'd want to have, straight or gay. Affairs are forbidden.

    I think she was testing the waters. And yes, it was a compliment. I've had gay guys compliment me and I take it as such.

    Of course, she could have just been messing with you. Does she tend to joke around?

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