Bush and the Bible just in on CNN news. Bushs bible talk stuns evangelicals

by Trying2understand 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • Satanus

    L'l bush is a puppy dog for the corporate big boys.


  • JimmyPage

    Jaguar bass your comments about abortion hit the nail on the mother f*cking head!

  • DanTheMan

    These days he seems more like Bush Sr. than the brash GWB of 2000. I'm not sure he was ever a true fundy, but it's hard to imagine that the past eight years could have drawn him closer to that. Age and real-world experience mellows all but the most stubbornly self-deluded.

  • mkr32208

    These moron's get the hick (junction guy) vote by screaming about abortion and gay marriage. Two issues that nothing can be done about.

    However hicks (Junction guy) don't CARE about real issues like upholding the constitution, making the government smaller, fighting corruption, helping the poor, defending the nation, balancing the budget etc... You know all that unimportant shit...

    So, rethuglicans say 'we gonna GET them gays! Ain't gonna be no abortion on OUR watch! Bring it ON terrorist! Joe the plumber will be a KING on our watch' *wink wink wink* from some dumb slut and YAY we get the hick/idiot vote!

  • frankiespeakin
  • abbagail

    A commentary on this subject from the 12/10/08 CuttingEdge.org Newsletter: http://www.cuttingedge.org/newsletters/

    IV. President Bush continues to reveal that he is not a genuine, Bible-believing Christian!

    NEWS BRIEF: "Bush Says Creation 'Not Incompatible' With Evolution", Fox News, December 6, 2008

    "President George W. Bush said his belief that God created the world is not incompatible with the scientific theory of evolution. In an interview with ABC's 'Nightline' on Monday, the president also said he probably is not a literalist when reading the Bible although an individual can learn a great deal from it, including the New Testament teaching that God sent his only son."

    Cutting Edge has always maintained that, when President Bush's actions are subjected to Jesus' litmus test of comparing actual fruits to the Biblical standard, he cannot be considered a genuine Christian. We have even created a table which lists good and evil fruits which we have observed over the past eight years -- "President Bush's Evil vs Good Fruits": http://www.cuttingedge.org/news_updates/nz1086.htm . You will be shocked to learn how unchristian Bush truly is!

    This first paragraph shows us two issues on which Bush is incompatible with genuine Christianity:

    1) His support of Evolution - the president even attempts to reconcile Evolution with the Biblical account of Creation. However, even his statement that he believed "God created the world" may not be compatible with Biblical Creation. You see, Hindus believe that God created the world and then diffused Himself into every tiny aspect of that creation. Since Bush is a lifetime member of the secret society, "Skull & Bones", a Hindu belief about the Creation of the world is quite understandable.

    2) His statement that he does not believe that the Bible can be taken literally.

    Genuine Christians hold a great deal of stock in the belief that every single word is "God-breathed".

    At this point, you might object, saying that at least Bush reiterated his belief that Jesus is the Son of God. But, a closer examination of Bush's remarks show that he said nothing of the kind. What he stated was that "God sent his only son". He did not mention "Jesus".

    As Alexander Hislop points out in his classic expose' of Roman Catholicism, "The Two Babylons" [ http://www.cuttingedge.org/detail.cfm?ID=215 ] numerous ancient pagan religions taught a Divine Child from a Virgin Mother centuries before Christ! Satan cleverly counterfeited the idea that a god would send his only son through a human virgin many hundreds of years before Jesus incarnated so that the Deceiver could deceive millions of people into thinking that Jesus was simply the Jewish model of the "Divine Child From a Virgin Mother".

    Bush's remarks are quite consistent with pagan beliefs on this subject.

    Now, let us return to this featured article for more surprising news about President Bush's religious beliefs.

    "The president also said that he prays to the same God as those with different religious beliefs. 'I do believe there is an almighty that is broad and big enough and loving enough that can encompass a lot of people', Bush said."

    3) The President believes that the god of Christianity is the same god of the other religions in the world!

    Of course, no genuinely Born Again believer would hold this viewpoint.

    President Bush has always been a pagan Skull & Bones man in his inner heart. He only stated that he was a Christian because he was a Republican running for the White House. Since Republicans embrace Evangelical Christianity and Democrats embrace Liberal Christianity, it made complete sense that Bush would claim to be a Christian within the Evangelical Movement.

    What is disheartening is that millions of Christians have followed the teachings of untold thousands of deceived pastors in accepting Bush's words rather than demanding an examination of his actions.

    We cannot add any entry to our Bush's Fruits Table because he has already stated these views in the past eight years. Truly, Jesus was correct when He warned that at the End of the Age,

    "For false Christs and false prophets will appear .... to deceive even the elect..." (Matthew 24:24a)

    The word "Christ" in ancient Judaism denoted the office of Messiah, whom the Jews came to regard primarily Political, since they came to view their foretold Messiah as only a King. Therefore, Jesus was using the word, "Christ" to denote a political figure. What our Savior was literally saying was,

    "For false Christs (false political figures) and false prophets (false religious figures) will appear .... to deceive even the elect..."

    When you further add the understanding of verses 4 and 11 that unparalleled deception was a Hallmark Sign that the End of the Age was close, you have to understand that, at this era of time, we must expect our political and religious leaders to deceive us. All Bible-believing Christians should be on guard against the lying and deceptions of our leaders, not be a gullible as geese, falling for everything they say.

    President Bush deceived more genuine Christians than any other president before him, even though his fruits were the most terrible. Rather than this sad fact reflecting badly on Bush, it demonstrates the complete lack of Biblical discernment among Christians -- just as our DVD, above exposes. You will be appalled at the revelations in this DVD, "Death of Discernment": http://www.cuttingedge.org/detail.cfm?ID=1918 .

    Truly, we are living at the End of the Age!

  • jaguarbass

    I dont see anything conservative about Bush or Chaney, they are Chicken hawk radicals.

    A conservative could never have blown the surplus that Clinton left and created such a deficit.

    If Bush was a conservative America would be in good shape today.

    If Bush could spell conservative America would be in good shape today.

  • Jeremy C
    Jeremy C

    Very interesting. I'm wondering how many Evangelicals had buyer's remorse after hearing of Bush's Biblical views. For him to make the statements that he made about evolution and other religions had to create enormous dissonance among his ardent Evangleical supporters. Many conservative Christians were greatly dissapointed in Nixon merely for the fact that the Nixon tapes revealed his liberal use of profanity. For someone to make the kinds of statements about evolution that he did is far worse.

    It was the Evangelical base that helped save his bacon in the 2000 primaries against John McCain. And then for him to turn around and say that people of other faiths are praying to the same god that Christians are? That has to hurt.

    See . . . . . . . . if all of these Evangelicals would just become Jehovah's Witnesses, they would never have to hear one of their leaders say such heretical blasphemies!

  • stillajwexelder

    wink wink wink* from some dumb slut and YAY we get the hick/idiot vote!

    Who would this be??

  • moshe

    Bush snookered all these fundamentalists in ordered to garner extra votes. They were so taken in by his mock Christian veneer. My wife and I agreed that he just had a shifty look about him- I guess that most people didn't see it.

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