These are photos of the Felixstowe Kingdom Hall in Suffolk , England , after it received some free decorations from an anonymous group calling themselves the JoHoHo project. It is thought that the group limit their activities to Felixstowe at the moment although other cells throughout the country are thought to be lying dormant. The police are recording it as a religious hate crime (which tells you more about our crazy government than it does about JWs).
The "Jo Ho Ho" project
by Earnest 22 Replies latest jw friends
JW's have the right not to celebrate Christmas. I don't see what this accomplished at all, frankly. Well, actually it made them feel persecuted - which is what they want.
Leave them alone!
Witness 007
I think it's just a little dig at the Witness, it's funny! Earnest, where were you between 7pm and 10 pm last night??
When xmas decor becomes religious hate crime...that should turn the books upside down.
However, I can see where it can be called such in this instance. The decorations are rather shoddy. If it were more tastefully done, aka more martha stewart style, I think they would be hard pressed to call it hate crime.
But as long as the decorations are just "slung around" yes, I think they will have a case against the perps.
Yes some one sent me it. Also the pictures of the Missionaries in India.How they are building K.Halls like mad, folks are living in straw huts, no food, no clean water but they have a KINGDOM Hall with a out house.... ... I think they want me back LOL So they are trying to impress me with WORKS!!!!
It was a JW that sent it ........ -
Earnest, where were you between 7pm and 10 pm last night??
I rely on my right to silence and non-incrimination. However, I acknowledge it appeals to my sense of humour and that I decorated the Bethel dining room with Christmas decorations on the night before Christmas to greet the early morning cooks. Alas, they were removed before breakfast by those who did not share my amusement.
Why? Bethel has had Christmas decorations before New Light.
What was accomplished by the Jo Ho Ho Project? Therapy. Personally I don't care if the jws' persecution complexes are fed when the act is in service of something greater, such as someone letting off steam about being in a cult.
I can see why others might view it as religious hate crimes. Imagine how it would look if Christians put a cross outside a Jewish place of worship or something like that.
We all know the jws are not traumatized or frightened by Christmas decorations, but outsiders probably don't.
PS-What is the last pic? -
LOL!!..Thats funny.....Probably neighbourhood kids..............
PS-What is the last pic?
The last pic is a Christmas card (in an envelope) taped to the KH door.
No it wasnt kids!!!! Out law >they got a picture of a woman tying Happy Christmas on the gates...
Wonder what the cops did??? I bet they had a laugh, rape, thieves, beatings,drunks, all going on at this busy season & the WT cries "Help some one hung decorations on out building "Our"god dont like that....."
She is asking to be Tazered......