If you want your dogs to get saved at Armegedon you have to change your belief system.
What you think, you shall recieve.
When I die, I want to be with my loved ones and pets so that is where I will go.
When Jehovahs witnesses die they will be ressurected with all the people who are in good standing from the kingdumb hall .
The mormons will be working their way to getting their own planet, if they are male, to be like Jesus and God.
The Catholics have 3 options, depending on their behavior up, down and sideways.
The Scientoligist reach clear.
The Budhist and Hindus come back in various shapes and forms for various amounts of time.
And it goes on and on.
I have chosen a desinger type, custom belief for myself and my loved ones.
Here is a link to get you started on your incredible journey.
Just remember, be careful what you think about and what you wish for.
And be thankfull your not a JW anymore as that could be a pretty dismall eternity trapped in a kinddumb hall. Circuit and district assemlies out the ying yang, peddaling cheap pulp bible litterature.
Not being able to watch good movies and limited entertainment options.
They call that a shallow hell.