What good would a DA letter do?

by dogon 23 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Maddie

    What good would a DA letter do?

    It will only do you any good if you feel that it is your way of leaving the WT behind you for good. I didn't DA officially because I had already decided that they had no power over me anymore, and that I didn't want to give them that power back.


  • IP_SEC

    There is no way to get out of playing by their rules. The way I see it fading is 'playing by their rules". Faders are still considered witnesses. Weak witnesses but witnesses nonetheless.

    I did not want my name associated with a murderous, lying, pedophile hiding organization. Disassociation is the only way to quickly and rather effortlessly disconnect your name from that group. My name is very important to me.

    Now I can live my life on my terms without constantly looking over my shoulder worrying about who sees my Christmas decorations or who I'm dating etc.

    I used to look down on faders. Now I kinda realize people got to do what they got to do to survive.

    Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.

  • megawatt

    Hmm, last I remember there was no official rule with dealing with someone who just stop coming or "fading". When you realize that there's nothing that you owe them or that they have on you, why entertain the idea of still participating in the game by writing DA letter? I completely understand for the sake of making a statement or mentally purging, but at least for me it was a simple stop thinking, associating, attending anything JW.

  • Gayle

    If you DA with letter, they still get the last word, they judge, they announce, they command for no one to talk to you again.

    If you just quit going without word, then you are perplexing to them, they hate that.

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