I need help to help someone else

by lisavegas420 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • lisavegas420

    Any suggestions?

    I've mentioned in some of my last few posts, that I was taking classes with Job and Family Resources. There is 8 in the class. One man, I'm guessing 60ish is having problems. Not sure exactly what happened but he worked for a school as night janitor and is now on Administrative Leave. He doesn't know when or if he'll get his job back. He also thinks there may be an court date soon. He doesn't know if he should wait for this job or look for another. His wife has left him. He also shared with the class that he's afraid he's going to lose his home. He knows nothing about computers. NOTHING. There are classes at the J&F Resources, for computer, but he needs the help now to sell a few things, cars, tools, ect, so he can get some cash now.

    Yesterday, he showed up in class and he didn't look so good. He said, he wasn't prepared for class, he needed to pick up medications from the Vets Hopsital, he's missed two days this week, and didn't think he could stay or catch up. I talked him into staying for as long as he could. I also gave him my home phone number and told him if he'd call me, we set up a time to meet at the Library and I'd show him, Craigslist and a few local Yahoo Groups that he could list and possibly sell some of his stuff and make a little cash. Anyway...he stayed for most of the day, and told the rest of the class that he almost didn't come. But now he was so grateful that he did, and looked at me and smiled.

    He called last night at 9:20pm and asked if he was calling to late. I told him it was fine, and told him I'd call him (this morning) at 11am and we'd meet at the Library.

    I'm going to show him how to set up an Email Account, how to get and post on Craigslist, ect....

    Remember he has no computer knowledge. I've got a notebook that I'm going to take to write down URL's and directions, so when he goes at it alone, he'll have something to go by.

    Anyone else think of anything I can show him or tell him that might help?


  • mtsgrad

    I think technology can be terrifying/boring unless you find something that interests you. Find out any hobbies he has and find related websites and forums. Hope that helps.


  • lisavegas420

    Oooo, good idea. He told me he was born in another country. Don't remember which one, other side of the pond. They had migrated here when he was 15. I thought it would be cool to show him how easy it was to Google information about his hometown, maybe find family or something.


  • lisavegas420

    shameless *bump*

    I asked if he had a home computer, he told me 12 yrs ago when a company he was working for went out of business, they gave the computers away to who ever wanted them. He took one home and it's been sitting in a corner since then, he just didn't know how to hook it up and didn't have all the cords that were needed.

    I didn't have the heart to tell him that it probably wasn't going to be any good.


  • DanTheMan

    Help him understand that email, craigslist, etc. are just electronic versions of things he is already very familiar with. An email account is like a street address. Craigslist is like the classified section of a newspaper.

    In my experience, people who have little or no experience with computers and the internet tend to think of them together as being this strange, incomprehensible other-world that is completely different from the analog world that they're used to, and thus it's very scary to them. If they can be helped to understand that the internet is just like a huge filing cabinet, with all kinds of different folders (websites) and papers (web pages), I would think this would help to calm their fears.

  • lisavegas420

    Good idea. He'll understand Classified and Addresses. Which is not something we talked to the grandkids about when we taught them to use the computer at 3 and 4yrs old.

    He kept asking how much it was going to cost. I kept telling him it was free. He had heard that "images" that he might not want to see might pop-up. I was going to explain that the WWW was like a hugh set of encyclopedia's and he could turn the page if it he didn't care to view certain things.

    He seems very insecure of himself, and was shocked that someone would even offer to help.

    Library opens in 30 minutes, I'm going to call there ahead of time to make sure it's going to be ok to do this.

    Oz keeps refering to him as my "date" hehehe


  • mtsgrad


    Good luck.


  • Mandette


    I have to say be careful too....there are some major red flags in what you're writing.........I'm not telling you what to do of course.....but please be careful. I think it's great of you to try to help this person, but be very very cautious.


  • lisavegas420


    I have to say be careful too....there are some major red flags in what you're writing.........I'm not telling you what to do of course.....but please be careful. I think it's great of you to try to help this person, but be very very cautious.


    Please tell me what red flags you're seeing. Because it would just like me to miss something obvious to everyone else. I just got back...We spent an hour at the library. First I showed him "google earth" and told him to type in his home address. The world is speeding towards us as his house gets closer and closer. I told him he can put in any address or place in the world and look at it. Then we went to Google, and I showed him now to use the search engine. Typing in any words or phrases he wanted to know something about. Then I set him up an Yahoo email address. Showed him how to do a Job search, how to get to the local paper. Since he was a hunt and peck kind of typer, and I was going a little nuts waiting on him...I told him I'd put the ads for the merchandise he wanted to sell on Craigslist for him. We used my email, put in his phone number. I told him if anyone sent an email about the merchandise, I'd either print it off or call him. Then............he asked what my husband thought about me meeting him like this. I told him he didn't have a problem with me helping other people. He asked what church I go to. I told him I don't go to church. He said, But you are a Christian. I told him, "no I'm was not." He said don't you want to go to heaven, I said, "not planning on it". He said but you DO believe in God, I said, "No, I do not." He said, but you believe the bible is inspired, I said "No I do not, but that I am glad that he had found a belief that was good for him,". He said it was a "choice to believe." I told him I try to do the right thing, because it was the right thing to do. Not because I was expecting a reward or because a 2000 yr old book said I should. Just, because it's the right thing to do! I could tell he was getting uncomfortable, so I ask him what church he went to. I googled his church, and showed him the website, and told him about how to use the headphones to listen to the sermons, and devotions stuff on the site. There is also a forum on the site, and I explained how he could talk to others that believe as he does and even goes to the same church. He looked really excited. One more WEIRD thing....he had wedding ring on (he's seperated), the ring was cut in half and scotched taped together. What the hell is that all about? I didn't ask him about it, but I wanted to say, "maybe it's time to remove it and move on!"...but just incase he did think I was hitting on him I decided not to mention it. As we left, I told him I'd help him again, I'd send him an email so he has an email to open up. I reminded him that if he could read, he could work a computer. He thanked me.. I think that's about all I got for now. Over all, it was exciting. hehehe...in the beginning I told him, "I'm going to show you somestuff that will make the top of your head blow off!" I think I did. He said he was going to go back this afternoon. lisa

  • cawshun

    I agree with Mandette, you need to be very careful, you don't know enough about him to go meeting him by yourself. You should always take a friend with you. I would never give a stranger to much information, email addy, home address, phone number... It's possible this person could become a stalker. I think your a very kind person to want to help this man out, but at the same time, you should have a friend or your husband with you when you meet with him.

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