This trend of not talking about doctrine has been a long-term one, at least for the last 20 or more years. You can tell by how the books and study articles have been dumbed down. I can remember that in 1977 the WTS changed the WT study procedure to reading the paragraph first then asking the question because so many attending had not read the article and were trying to find the answer as the question was asked. At least now they had the time it took to read the paragraph to find an answer.
*** w77 2/1 p. 96 New Method of Conducting "Watchtower" Study ***Elders who preside at the weekly Watchtower study, as well as those who conduct the congregation book studies, are anxious to teach in the most effective and helpful way. (Rom. 12:8; 2 Tim. 4:2) Moreover, all in the congregation desire to make the most of opportunities for taking in spiritual nourishment so that they may attain to "accurate knowledge and full discernment" of the truth.—Phil. 1:9.
With this in mind, we recommend to all congregations the following order of study: (1) Read the paragraph in TheWatchtower (or other publication); (2) Read the question thereon; (3) Call on those raising their hands for answers, discussing fully the paragraph and supporting scriptures.
There should be a number of advantages in reading the paragraphs before they are discussed. This will quickly refresh the minds of all who have studied over the lesson in advance, and in the event some have not been able to do this previous to the meeting, the reading will at least familiarize them with the material before it is discussed. Everyone will be encouraged to concentrate on the reading, rather than look ahead for the answer in the next paragraph. Those who are shy, or who are slow in organizing their thoughts, will be able to prepare better to put their words together and so gain confidence to raise their hands. There should be freer participation and fuller discussion of the finer details of the study, with emphasis on the application of key scriptures before passing on to the reading of the next paragraph.