Were There Certain Bible Events That U Used 2 Question As Really Happening?

by minimus 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • oompa

    A huge plate of foreskins?................oompa

  • Robert7

    Genesis/creation & the flood. Both seemed like good myths, and even as an active JW I knew not to take the stories literally.

    Genesis - I figured it was more of a 'Cliffs notes' synopsis of creation, and in no way could man have only existed for 6,000 years. Plus there were too many unanswered questions, like the dinosaurs.

    Flood- Figured at best it was a local flood that killed the local bad guys. No way did I believe it could ever have been literally the entire world.

  • jws

    A talking ass?

    Anybody else getting flashbacks to John Water's Pink Flamingos movie?

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