I left a Jehovah's Witness in a quandry.

by orangefatcat 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • orangefatcat

    I have this gut feeling that this saga isn't over. I think Sis. P... will somehow find me and say how dare you you pit bull how dare you tell your neighbour my husband is a pedophile and then I will say I didn't say your husband was anything , I was just stating facts that have made themselves available to the media and interenet and former JW's who worked in the WTS legal department revealed to the televison show Dateline , so it is public record. and also the WTS has paid millions in lawsuits to victims of those who were sexually molested in any way.

    . I can just see the snarl and the eyes bugging out like a dragon breathe coming at me and I will just say I don't know why your getting so worked up about this because all I told my neighbour was the truth.

    And their ain't nothin she can do about it. cuz Iz a meanist koolizt katz in town.

    Lately I have been standing up to the witnesses and they don't like it.

    alt Quick head for the hills shes coming after me with her broom stick and tommy gun.


  • orangefatcat

    altAM I Paranoid or just plain crazy????????????

    Orangefatcat, Get real.

  • kitten whiskers
    kitten whiskers

    I think you are honest and awesome! You have just saved a life! If she says anything to you just tell her Jesus was right...the truth does set you free!

  • Uzzah


    If she comes after you just ask whether or not her husband was forced to self-register on the child (sexual) abuser list in order to avoid prosecution. That will likely shut her up.

    "Brother P" was just one of dozens of JW pedophiles I knew about when I worked in the Legal Department and which also motivated me to be part of the CBC's Fifth Estate program here in Canada exposing Child Abuse & the JW's


  • Farkel

    What a difference you have made! Another potential Cult member bites the dust!

    Rock on, OFC!


  • orangefatcat

    Farkel that sentence coming from you has made my day. Thanks Uzzah I meant to ask you the other day about others in Bethel who were Paedophiles, do they exist in my region now that you know where I live and is it as wide spread here as in the other countries. My neighbour was in the foyer again last night and her son was visiting and from the way she introduced me to him I believe she had told him the things I told her about Bro.P.. as she said,"this is my friend I was telling you about", and then he shook my hand firmly I may add. You know after all of your comments I finally realize yes I have prevented one person from falling prey to the WTS's clutches and it does make me feel happy. Thanks for all your kind words. Kitty, thanks for your lovely words, and I love your avatar. I gather your crazy about cats too. love as always Orangefatcat.

  • poppers

    Well done. Wish I were a fly on the wall when you were giving your friend the "low-down" on the witnesses. Keep us updated on what happens with sister P.

  • Snoozy

    Some of the witnesses I knew had a saying that they loved to say when someone didn't like what they were saying..

    "The Truth Hurts" doesn't it...

    Turnaround is fair play! Yeah Baby!...


  • orangefatcat

    Perhaps when Sister P...returns I may be away for Christmas, I am going up to my girl friends Diane's. I really don't consider her to be a friend we are more like sisters true blue and loyal to one another. So hoping to stay a few days. So if Sis. P shows up I may be out. But my neighbour will come and let me know. You know what I have visions of a group of elders showing up at my door and asking if they could speak to me regarding that issue with Bro. P. so Uzzah I may really need your help to prove it. I know already it is true because I know some of the ones he molested. Gee I would love to see an elder get the old one two sockem knockem down . It would be interesting to see if he is registered under sexual predators they have all the names of sexual offenders. Mind you Bro. P... is now 87 yrs old so what would that do. Mind you I would never near a small child he is dangerous. These guys don't stop as it is not about sex its about overpowering an innocent child. I would love to see him go to prison and then let them through away the key. orangefatcat

  • Uzzah

    OFC: If you told the elders that I would be there to meet with them, the meeting would immediately be cancelled. The elders in your area (East & West) hated me while I was still attending meetings for calling them on not following Theocratic procedures and for their lack of love, lack of shepherding and Pharisee-like rule mongering. Now that I am viewed as an active apostate since doing the Fifth Estate program I really don't think they'd show up which should speak volumes to your neighbour about their unwillingness to 'defend their faith"

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