Two weeks ago I sent the first one to a friend of 45 years who made a galloping escape down a grocery aisle and out the Xpress lane to avoid my frightening middle aged wife, my 4 year old grandson and myself. Of course, I do sport a patch of facial hair now, and he likely imagined that he heard me asking the clerk for a gallon of fresh blood and three straws. Anyway, he moves quite well for a man of 71, so I gave him a nicely embossed certificate, suitable for framing. Performers should be well rewarded. If you use Office, those handy rewards for the little faithful acts in life are just a few click away. Jeff
I have begun to issue 'Certificates of Merit..... Excellence In Shunning'
by AK - Jeff 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
AK - Jeff
By the way, I used etatposA as my return name with just a zip cope. Wonder if he got that one?
OK, now that's funny!
Homerovah the Almighty
Good one Jeff
If you bump into another and they ask where have you been tell them you been off worshiping Satan , that usually gets them really ruining
Was the zip 06660 or 01914?
I like it...
I wonder if anytime we run into such a situation, we write a letter to the editor of the local paper, not in a mean way, but just a "I wonder why this happens?" kind of way. Wonder if it would get published or any attention at all?
Was the zip 06660 or 01914?
06660 and 01914 are sadly not real zips..seems like the post office shies away from 666...but 19140 is Philadelphia. 60606 is Chicago...ironically enough considering Illinois politics.
My cell number has 666 in it..... I chose it on purpose... no one had ever had it before.... (a "clean number") so after 6+ years, I rarely get wrong numbers..and never from a previous person's having it.
Snakes ()
lol - I attended a school and service meeting recently and there were lots of warnings about 'postates, "hiddden shipwrecking rocks" etc. Any suggestions on how to maintain a neutral facial expression?
yadda yadda 2
Ha, bloody marvellous idea I say! Make sure you add some scriptures about love and wotnot to make the buggers feel guilty.
Bud Light Presents Real American Heroes... Today we salute you, Mr. Really Excellent Shunner Guy. When others would stop and talk, you hightail it out of there like the store is on fire.
Witness 007
It takes all my strength not to give Witnesses "the bird" when I see them....but this is good!