Cmon now, even I was better at the door thatn this poor old fella. So, I'm sitting here reading the latest threads and my door bell rings, yeah, just 2 minutes ago. So, I'm thinking maybe it's the mail man with a package I'm expecting, no it's an older, like 70, jw bro. Right off the bat I see the mags folded tucked next to his nwt in his hand. So, he says, " I have these journals that I'd like you to read, one is "Why God saved Noah". He also says, " Check it out". I really wasn't that quick on my game today as I wasn't feeling well. So, I said "ok". I took them from him and again he says," Check it Out". Feeble, eh?
Anyways, I have them here and one is a Wt dated June 1, 2008. The awake is dated December 2008. What a match, huh? I am sure I can expect a return visit as I am now in his placement book as INTERESTED, wouldn't you think? Anyways, next time he returns I'll be ready with some snappy questions that he won't have answers for.