My daughter and her husbands small dog disappeared..It was no where to be found..Until they went to the pond in the yard..The dog fell into the pond,drowned and the pond froze over..Now the dog is frozen into the pond,under the ice and they can`t get him out.....You can still toss the dog a treat,but it just hits the ice and slides to the other end of the pond.....OUTLAW
...Ice Dog...
by OUTLAW 25 Replies latest jw friends
Ohhh Outlaw!!!!!
beksbks..This is one of the most bizarre things I have ever heard..That little dog was very cool..I`ll miss him.....My daughter and son inlaw are very upset..But..There`s nothing they can do at the moment.......At least they don`t have to worry about him running away.......................
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
That little dog was very cool
Hey Outlaw, that little dog is still very cool... so cool, he's cold.
B the X
Oohhhhh Billy!
Okayyyy, now I'll have to tell you a similar pet story from a few years ago. I worked with a girl who had a pot belly pig. Remember how it used to be the thing to have a pot belly pig as a pet? Anyway, one day she got a call from her husband, and she was very upset. The pig had gotten into the hot tub and drowned. All I could say was "Soup?"
Thanks for adding that little bit about tossing a treat... I tried not to chuckle but it happened anyway!
troubled mind
omg that is awful .
I actually worried about that this year because my dogs chain runs along the pond in our backyard .He gets all crazy chasing squirrels and cats out of the yard and I thought he may try running over it before it is frozen solid . So far all I have found in it are a couple of birds and a screw . -
BXB..Yes,the little guy is absolutely "Chill"...........................beksbks..That`s funny..Probably not to the girl that owned it though..LOL!!..................I would`nt normally laugh at the death of a family pet..But..This is just 2 bizarre..He was a cute little dog,very smart..Very family orientated..Now he`s frozen,in a fish pond..If they remove the ice from the fish pond,it will shock thousands of dollars worth of fish..More pets will be lost...............................
Poor fella. I hope he didn't suffer too long...