I usually shop year round for Christmas and have packages ready to mail right after Thanksgiving. But work for my husband and me slowed down in early summer, so I scaled back qite a bit and focused just on the grandkids. I'm all done and have been for a few weeks. Now I have to wrap them.
Who here is done Xmas shopping?
by lola28 13 Replies latest jw friends
I'm done, Unless I get board and want to spend some more money on my wife.
It's just me and her.
All her relatives are witnesses.
And my family were witnessses so they dont celebrate.
Or at least they didnt when I lived with them.
kitten whiskers
I am done myself....but the hubby and one of the children still need to do some this weekend. Aggggggghhhhhhh. I hate crowds. It will be murder for traffic. All are wrapped except two which will require charging the batteries Christmas Eve. I had one to mail and got that off yesterday. It just seems like it came so fast this year.
I'm done, as of last week. All wrapped and ready to go.
I didn't get some made....I planned on making some beaded Christmas lapel pins (sweet little angels and snowmen with hats) and got everything I needed but could not find proper little boxes to send them in when I was finished making them. I decided to shelve it for next year and look throughout the year for the boxes I need. I just got too pooped out with going to different stores and all and decided to give up on it.....too close to the Christmas deadline.
Quite by accident, I happened to try my hand at making beaded necklaces and bracelets last summer. I picked up a couple of kits to make necklaces at the Dollar Store. I LOVED putting these together and then I bought more "loose" beads, and began to create my own designs. I started out with a small box (like a large sereal box) of beads and clasps, and have now worked up into two huge plastic containers filled with all sorts of styles of beads and pendants in every color imaginable LOL!