An old friend of the family stopped by my house last night. I had not seen him for about two years. He was disfellowhispped about 3 or 4 years ago, but would drop in every now and ask me business related questions. (I had sold him some investments when I was in that business several years ago).
Anyway, we talked business for awhile, and then he asked me if I was going to the hall, or if I had been disfellowshipped. I told him that I have not been booted out, but that I don't believe they are really the true religion and I was tired of the hypocrsy on the local and wts level. He said he was trying to get reinstated again, and wanted to study with me when he did (neaning the for the watchtower, not as him leading the study). My family has known him for over 15 years and when he was not disfellowshipped (this is time number 3) he was quite close with my family, like another brother.
Anyhoo...I told him that I would not discourage him from doing what he thinks is right, but that I did not share my views with other witnesses because i didn't want to get labelled an apostate. I am afraid he will say something to the elders, thinkinig he will help me.
Oh well....I am hoping to avoid the DF because my mother is active and she practically lives with us (she owns the duplex we live in, and we are over her apartment and vice versa a lot).
Just had to share! Thanks!