The Bucket List

by purplesofa 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • delilah

    My dream has always been to travel Europe. As a teen, I wanted to backpack all over Europe...stay in little towns, see the big cities..get a job in various places so I could stay longer...but, my parents wouldn't allow it. Before I die, I want to see everything I can in Europe. I also want to own a bistro, a hustling, bustling neighbourhood joint, where all my friends and neighbours love to hang...with great food, delicate pastries, fine wines, and heavenly spirits to relax the mind, heart and soul..and encourage laughter and friendships.

    I wanted to become an architect, but that didn't happen now, I enjoy drawing up the floorplans for my own home, that I will someday build. I want to see my children successful in whatever it is they want to do, and watch my grandson ( and future grandchildren) grow up strong and happy.

    That's all I want.....

  • Quandry

    Yep, got a lotta dreams on my bucket list, only since I was "in" and really "in" for over thirty years, faithfully attending every meeting and not accepting work that would interfere with meetings, and doing menial jobs, I don't have a lot of money to do those things on the list.

    I want to get a college degree, but have to work full time. I take one class at a time, I figure I have six more years. By that time I should be retired from my job, so don't anicipate an exciting new career with my degree.

    I would love to travel, but see above. Have a low paying job and my daughter is in college. Her needs come first right now.

    Am hoping that since you are younger than I am (57), you will be able to realise some of your dreams.

    Never give up.

  • no more kool aid
    no more kool aid

    My family has only been out of JW for 7 months. I can't tell you how much I am enjoying the simple things, like sitting here on a Sunday morning with the lap top drinking coffee. No more rushing out the door constantly. I am enjoying my career right now and not feeling guilty that I am greedy or that I should be pioneering. I love going to the gym after work, never had time before had to go to the meeting. I see exactly what you are saying how many of us put "life" off waiting for the new system. After I had this time to kind of decompress I want to set some goals. We always wanted to find an old barn on a nice piece of land and restore it to live in. Also enough time off to take a slow liesurely trip out west and back.

  • aligot ripounsous
    aligot ripounsous

    Purps, I think you can nurture the desire of earthly paradise, based on what you learnt from the JW religion but on terms which are not the WTS's ones, that is exerting yourself with preaching, meetings, stifling your human desires. Instead, I'm convinced we can rely on Jehovah's ability to read hearts and He approves whoever He sees it fitting, regardless of our belonging to such or such organization. He is well beyond our petty religious chauvinism, that's a fortunate thing, and in the end He certainly doesn't want to prevent us from enjoying life according to how He gifted us, in just a normal way. Once JWs have understood that, they are freed from organizational bondage.

  • beksbks

    My dream has always been to travel Europe. As a teen, I wanted to backpack all over Europe...stay in little towns, see the big cities..get a job in various places so I could stay longer...but, my parents wouldn't allow it. Before I die, I want to see everything I can in Europe. I also want to own a bistro, a hustling, bustling neighbourhood joint, where all my friends and neighbours love to hang...with great food, delicate pastries, fine wines, and heavenly spirits to relax the mind, heart and soul..and encourage laughter and friendships.

    I wanted to become an architect, but that didn't happen now, I enjoy drawing up the floorplans for my own home, that I will someday build. I want to see my children successful in whatever it is they want to do, and watch my grandson ( and future grandchildren) grow up strong and happy.

    That's all I want.....

    My gosh Deliliah, you are me!! No kidding woman, I was making my list as I was reading this thing, and then I came to your post. I was going to say I want to experience Europe. I have wanted to go for as long as I can remember. When I was 23, my husband and I sold our cars bought a couple of backpacks, and started saving our money and reading up on hostels and work fare programs. We got pregnant, and Europe has been on hold ever since. I always wanted my own restaurant/cafe. I love to cook and I love people. A neighborhood place with some famous item on the menu. Everyone comes to Beks place for the great ------, it's the best in town. Comfortable and friendly, with a shelf of books somewhere. I've dreamed about that as long as I've dreamed about travel. The other item on my list, is grandchildren!!! I can't wait! But my children aren't ready, so that is beyond my control.

  • beksbks

    I want to hear that mtsgrad finally had sex before he died.

  • kurtbethel

    My list is simple, and open ended.

    I want to go places, meet people, and see things. Many of each.

    A year ago I was on the road to visit Arkansas for the first time, driving a moving van to relocate someone there. I had visited every state around it several years ago and somehow missed it.

    This year I traveled around Europe.

    Next year - ???


  • SnakesInTheTower


    I did lose 50 pounds this past year, so that was a start.

    good for you! woo hoo ... you'll do it... no doubt...

    I am aiming for eating healthier this year..trying to clear out the processed foods out of the house as much as possible.

    Snakes ()

  • purplesofa

    ....and in the end He certainly doesn't want to prevent us from enjoying life according to how He gifted us, in just a normal way. Once JWs have understood that, they are freed from organizational bondage.

    Thanks averyone for sharing.

    I watched The Bucket List last night

    Jack Nicholson's words of wisdom in the movie, "Never pass up a bathroom, never waste a hardon and never trust a fart"

    lol, I thought I would fall out.

    Great movie.

  • beksbks

    Hey Purps! PM me this 50 at 50 idea. Sounds good.

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