This email is circulating among the witnesses....... BOOK STUDY CHANGE This was Forward by friends at the Guam Branch -- ---------------------- FROM A SISTER IN COLOMBIA : I want to share with you important points from our CO's visit about the changes that will take effect next year about our book study. There are four main points about the book study change, I thought were very interesting: 1. Satan's anger is growing! The first thing it talked about was Satan's anger is growing more intense toward Jehovah's people. We know that very shortly the Wild Beast (United Nations) will destroy Babylon the Great (False Religion), and try to stop Jehovah's Witnesses from meeting and preaching.. The faithful slave is getting us prepared for when the whole world goes under ban and the kingdom halls are shut down. When that happens, we will already know how to conduct our meetings in a condensed format. We will need to meet in smaller groups at brother's homes. So when that time comes we will still get spiritual food, but in a quicker format so as to not arouse suspicion by our neighbors. Just like the brothers had to do it in Russia and Uzbekistan a Middle East country has recently gone under ban, the Government said it is to combat terrorism by not allowing religious groups to meet and preach.. 2. Did you notice the reason to condense the meetings was NOT for more time in the field service, but more time for personal study? The only thing that will get us through the Great Tribulation is our Faith in Jehovah. The Governing Body is trying to prepare us for what is about to take place. They said to take that extra night and build up your knowledge and strengthen your faith. The time will soon come when we might not have the publications to study and the only things we will be able to recall and draw comfort from are the things that we have studied. We cannot recall what we do not know! The preaching work will continue and Jehovah is speeding it up, but how can we teach and help build peoples faith if we ourselves are not spiritually strong? 3. Do you remember the story of Job? Job 1:9-12 'At that Satan answered Jehovah and said: 'Is it for nothing that Job has feared God? 10 Have not you yourself put up a hedge about him and about his house and about everything that he has all around? The work of his hands you have blessed, and his livestock itself has spread abroad in the earth. 11 But, for a change, thrust out your hand, please, and touch everything he has [and see] whether he will not curse you to your very face.' 12 Accordingly Jehovah said to Sat an: 'Look! Everything that he has is in your hand. Only against him himself do not thrust out your hand!' So Satan went out away from the person of Jehovah. Likewise today, It's all about Jehovah's universal sovereignty, his right to rule mankind. Also Satan said that humans would not love Jehovah without something in return. Our meetings and association are a blessing and protection from Jehovah. If they had added another meeting, most people would continue to go to the extra meeting. There they are fed the truth and get to fellowship with others and receive the protection and blessing from Jehovah. The Congregation is a spiritual hedge and a refuge for his people to recharge and get strengthened. Satan told Jehovah that the only reason Job served God was because of the protection and blessing Jehovah gave to Job. The same is true in our day; Jehovah is proving to Satan and every living thing, that people will worship him no matter what. By taking away a meeting he is giving us the chance to prove to him and Satan that we will worship him no matter what. That's why they said to do personal study on our own. We would not want to take the extra night to watch T.V. or surf the web, but to gain knowledge that leads to everlasting life through personal study. Let's take this same scripture and apply it or our day: Modified Version of Job 1:9-12 (not actual bible text) 'At that Satan answered Jehovah and said: 'Is it for nothing that Jehovah's Witness have feared God? 10 Have not you yourself given them three times a week to get shelter from the world and receive encouragement and blessings from the congregation, and there they learn everything they need to know about you? The Elders call if they miss a meeting, their friends inquire about them if they are not there, because of this, they feel guilty for not going and only go to look good in front of their friends! 11 But, for a change, thrust out your hand, please, and take one meeting away, one chance they have to get encouragement and knowledge of you, and see if between Tuesday and Sunday they turn to doing bad. See if they learn about you on their own time. The Elders and their friends will not know if they had taken the time for personal study, for only you, me and the angels, will know. For this reason, I tell you, television and the Internet will be their personal study'. 12 Accordingly Jehovah said to Satan: 'Look! One chance they have to get encouragement and knowledge of me I will take away, and lets see if between Tuesday and Sunday they turn to doing bad or if they follow my direction and do personal study, proving you are a liar'! So Satan w ent out away from the person of Jehovah. Who will you show has the right to rule mankind? 4. Continued Separating of the sheep and the goats! In talking with other witnesses in different parts of the United States it is very clear that there are two different reactions to the change going to take place in 2009 with our book studies.. The first group is so happy to have the extra night off to relax, watch television or go out to dinner and so on. They only hear what they want to hear and not the true reason for the change. These people will most likely not listen to the direction and do more personal study and we know Satan always go after the weak first. The second group realizes the seriousness of the change and will heed the warnings given by Jehovah through the faithful slave. These ones will study harder and be prepared for the Fall of Babylon the Great! Charles L Dudley
Book study change and Satan/ sorry about the format
by sspo 16 Replies latest jw experiences
This email is circulating among the witnesses....... BOOK STUDY CHANGE This was Forward by friends at the Guam Branch -- ---------------------- FROM A SISTER IN COLOMBIA : I want to share with you important points from our CO's visit about the changes that will take effect next year about our book study. There are four main points about the book study change, I thought were very interesting: 1. Satan's anger is growing! The first thing it talked about was Satan's anger is growing more intense toward Jehovah's people. We know that very shortly the Wild Beast (United Nations) will destroy Babylon the Great (False Religion), and try to stop Jehovah's Witnesses from meeting and preaching.. The faithful slave is getting us prepared for when the whole world goes under ban and the kingdom halls are shut down. When that happens, we will already know how to conduct our meetings in a condensed format. We will need to meet in smaller groups at brother's homes. So when that time comes we will still get spiritual food, but in a quicker format so as to not arouse suspicion by our neighbors. Just like the brothers had to do it in Russia and Uzbekistan a Middle East country has recently gone under ban, the Government said it is to combat terrorism by not allowing religious groups to meet and preach.. 2. Did you notice the reason to condense the meetings was NOT for more time in the field service, but more time for personal study? The only thing that will get us through the Great Tribulation is our Faith in Jehovah. The Governing Body is trying to prepare us for what is about to take place. They said to take that extra night and build up your knowledge and strengthen your faith. The time will soon come when we might not have the publications to study and the only things we will be able to recall and draw comfort from are the things that we have studied. We cannot recall what we do not know! The preaching work will continue and Jehovah is speeding it up, but how can we teach and help build peoples faith if we ourselves are not spiritually strong? 3. Do you remember the story of Job? Job 1:9-12 'At that Satan answered Jehovah and said: 'Is it for nothing that Job has feared God? ""10 Have not you yourself put up a hedge about him and about his house and about everything that he has all around? The work of his hands you have blessed, and his livestock itself has spread abroad in the earth. 11 But, for a change, thrust out your hand, please, and touch everything he has [and see] whether he will not curse you to your very face.' 12 Accordingly Jehovah said to Sat an: 'Look! Everything that he has is in your hand. Only against him himself do not thrust out your hand!' So Satan went out away from the person of Jehovah. Likewise today, It's all about Jehovah's universal sovereignty, his right to rule mankind. Also Satan said that humans would not love Jehovah without something in return. Our meetings and association are a blessing and protection from Jehovah. If they had added another meeting, most people would continue to go to the extra meeting. There they are fed the truth and get to fellowship with others and receive the protection and blessing from Jehovah. The Congregation is a spiritual hedge and a refuge for his people to recharge and get strengthened. Satan told Jehovah that the only reason Job served God was because of the protection and blessing Jehovah gave to Job. The same is true in our day; Jehovah is proving to Satan and every living thing, that people will worship him no matter what. By taking away a meeting he is giving us the chance to prove to him and Satan that we will worship him no matter what. That's why they said to do personal study on our own. We would not want to take the extra night to watch T.V. or surf the web, but to gain knowledge that leads to everlasting life through personal study. Let's take this same scripture and apply it or our day: Modified Version of Job 1:9-12 (not actual bible text) 'At that Satan answered Jehovah and said: 'Is it for nothing that Jehovah's Witness have feared God? 10 Have not you yourself given them three times a week to get shelter from the world and receive encouragement and blessings from the congregation, and there they learn everything they need to know about you? The Elders call if they miss a meeting, their friends inquire about them if they are not there, because of this, they feel guilty for not going and only go to look good in front of their friends! 11 But, for a change, thrust out your hand, please, and take one meeting away, one chance they have to get encouragement and knowledge of you, and see if between Tuesday and Sunday they turn to doing bad. See if they learn about you on their own time. The Elders and their friends will not know if they had taken the time for personal study, for only you, me and the angels, will know. For this reason, I tell you, television and the Internet will be their personal study'. 12 Accordingly Jehovah said to Satan: 'Look! One chance they have to get encouragement and knowledge of me I will take away, and lets see if between Tuesday and Sunday they turn to doing bad or if they follow my direction and do personal study, proving you are a liar'! So Satan w ent out away from the person of Jehovah. Who will you show has the right to rule mankind? 4. Continued Separating of the sheep and the goats! In talking with other witnesses in different parts of the United States it is very clear that there are two different reactions to the change going to take place in 2009 with our book studies.. The first group is so happy to have the extra night off to relax, watch television or go out to dinner and so on. They only hear what they want to hear and not the true reason for the change. These people will most likely not listen to the direction and do more personal study and we know Satan always go after the weak first. The second group realizes the seriousness of the change and will heed the warnings given by Jehovah through the faithful slave. These ones will study harder and be prepared for the Fall of Babylon the Great! Charles L Dudley
One tip in formatting on Firefox without paragraphs--
You can force a line break by putting a new line in, typing a small character, and then forcing another line break with Enter again. That way, you will have the period (a dot) in its own line.
Personal study? I wonder how many families are going to find it totally boring. Study the Washtowels and Asleeps. Prepare the Washtowels. Have mini-drama playouts from the Washtowels (it matters not if it comes from the Bible--last summer's drama didn't). Do some research on Washtowel articles, using Washtowel sources only. Listen to Kingdumb maladies, and pay attention to what the lyrics mean. Practice field circus presentations. And so on.
And do not study the Bible without a washtowel! Also, do not study independent sources, go to a movie, watch TV, go to bed early, stay at work late, catch up on household projects or homework, play a regular game, or just relax. If you do, Satan will have won--that is, the Satan that the Washtowel Slaveholdery uses. -
Witness 007
I posted about this the e-mail here in Australia doing the Satan stopped the bookstudy how friggin ridiculous!
the Wild Beast (United Nations) will destroy Babylon the Great (False Religion),
Explain how that happens. The logistics of this is just silly.
I have seen this email before, on jwd. this is a conspiracy theory gone off the deep end.
4. Continued Separating of the sheep and the goats!
didn't we have new light about this.Doesn't the separating work take place after the GT? -
blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
hehehe...that's what I was thinking. lisa
When that happens, we will already know how to conduct our meetings in a condensed format. We will need to meet in smaller groups at brother's homes. So when that time comes we will still get spiritual food, but in a quicker format so as to not arouse suspicion by our neighbors.
Do they not see the flaw here? They said for years Book Study was to prepare for the last days. Now they do the opposite, take it away and STILL say it is to prepare for the last days. The WTS can spin anything!
Did you notice the reason to condense the meetings was NOT for more time in the field service, but more time for personal study?
This is what I find strange why end a "study" where you HAD to meet and study and "build up your faith" because you were met with other brothers etc. Changed to a "personal study" where there is greater chance of JWs NOT studying?
The "group" when I was a JW was always emphasised as the centre were you would meet when the Great Trib started.
The UN turning on religion always struck me as odd, they can't even enforced resolutions they pass now. Who will they get to enforce a ban on religion? They have no army per se , they rely on their member nations to supply troops for any UN force. I can just see Muslim nations agreeing that.