Society's view of stained glass windows

by Bonnie_Clyde 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Clam
    What in the world do the stained glass pictures in KH's show? People in tacky suits handing out worthless watchtowers?

    This would make a brilliant KH stained glass window design imo. . . happypeople2222222222.jpg picture by elvishimmler

  • fokyc

    Several JW brothers actually make Stained Glass windows for a living in Dallas, Texas.


  • kzjw

    they proudly point to their assembly hall in Jersey hall with their chandeliers and stained glass windows.

    Where is this KH? Are there any pix?

  • AllTimeJeff

    Rutherford started this. No matter if its stained glass windows or birthdays, the underlying message is "We don't care if we're right, as long as we're different."

  • Bonnie_Clyde

    they proudly point to their assembly hall in Jersey hall with their chandeliers and stained glass windows.

    Where is this KH? Are there any pix?

    Sorry - I was referring to the Stanley Theater assembly hall in New Jersey, I believe. I have a picture around here somewhere but wouldn't know how to post it if I could find it. I was reminded of this theater the other day when I got a travel brochure from a travel agency that sells tours to Bethel, Stanley Theater and the Holocaust Museum in DC. It specifically mentioned the chandeliers and stained glass.

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