If I had stayed in JW I would have been dead a LONG time ago. I would either have committed suicide or I would have died of an alcohol related illness. There was no hope.
...Do you Appreciate Life more?...
by OUTLAW 17 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Now that you realize,that Your Life has an Expiration Date..Do you Appreciate Life more?.............................
Yes I enjoy it more.
I dont waste my time going to meetings.
I waste it posting here and doing other things.
Which are my choice.
It's always good to stop and appreciate life and have an attitude of gratitude.
Alamb/Dagney/Gymbob/free2beme/CoCo/Scarred for life/Sparkplug/chickpea/Loubelle/JaguarBass.....The Energy and Life in all of your posts..Is something I don`t see when I`m talking to an active Jehovah`s Witness..That spark just is`nt there..It`s like they are on Cruise Control,waiting for Life to Happen..Little realizing they are wasting precious moment`s,of the short time they have here........................
Scarred for life
It`s like they are on Cruise Control,waiting for Life to Happen..Little realizing they are wasting precious moment`s,of the short time they have here........................
That's so true. And you know my mother was always that way even long after she stopped going to meetings. But I think in some ways the JW religion suited her. She was always waiting for life to happen. And then she died.
What I do appreciate is not having to waste my time going from boasting sessions to field circus and back. And not being able to enjoy any of the sights and sounds of the seasons--the flowers and trees coming into leaf in spring, the flowers and fireworks of summer, the leaves changing color and the pumpkins and scarecrows of fall, and the snow and decorations (and Christmas music) of winter. It was always about that next door--damn the flowers, snow, and leaves changing color or coming in.
You got that right. Being raised a Witness to me was like slowly becoming a plastic man, not having no feelings of my own no real nothing of feeling good with out having to search the WT for permission or run to the elders for this and that. My life and that of my kids was a real farce.
..SFL..My mom was always looking for a way to beat the WBT$ system..LOL!!..Loved the Religion,ignored any rules that got in her way.....She believed she would live forever..The doctor told her she needed medicine for her heart..She ignored him,the New System was coming..What did she need heart medicine for?..
..That`s what you get for believing WBT$ lies!..The New System is a Pine Box!..LOL!!..........................WtWizard/Cheeto`s..The WBT$ wants us all to put our lives on "Hold".....And..Life just march`s by..
Yes!! I really appreciate coming here and visiting with all of you...even your hairy a$$.